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Homochirality Is Originated from Handedness of Helices.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02144
Shubin Liu 1

Homochirality is a common feature of amino acids and carbohydrates, and its origin is still unknown. Meanwhile, right-handed helices are ubiquitous in nature. Are these two phenomena intrinsically correlated? Here, we propose that homochirality of amino acids and nucleotide sugars originated from the handedness of helices. We show that right-handed 310-helix and α-helix favor the l-chiral form for amino acids, but for deoxyribose sugars, right-handed helices prefer the d-chiral form instead. Our analyses unveil strong cooperativity effects dominated by electrostatic interactions. This work not only resolves the mystery of homochirality by providing a unified explanation for the origin of homochirality in proteins and DNA using helical secondary structures as the root cause but also ratifies the Principle of Chirality Hierarchy, in which the chirality of a higher hierarchy dictates that of lower ones. Possible applications of this work to asymmetric synthesis and macromolecular assembly are discussed.



同手性是氨基酸和碳水化合物的共同特征,其来源仍然未知。同时,右撇子螺旋在自然界无处不在。这两种现象内在相关吗?在这里,我们建议氨基酸和核苷酸糖的同质性来自螺旋的旋性。我们表明,右旋3 10螺旋和α-螺旋有利于氨基酸的l-手性形式,但对于脱氧核糖,右旋螺旋更喜欢d-手性形式。我们的分析揭示了以静电相互作用为主的强大的协同效应。这项工作不仅通过使用螺旋二级结构作为根本原因,为蛋白质和DNA的同质性的起源提供统一的解释,解决了同质性的奥秘,而且批准了“手性层次原则”,其中较高层次的手性指示:较低的。讨论了这项工作对不对称合成和大分子组装的可能应用。