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Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Organic Transformation Reactions Using Conjugated Polymers-Based Materials
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c03480
Jie Xiao 1, 2 , Xianlong Liu 1, 2 , Lun Pan 1, 2 , Chengxiang Shi 1, 2 , Xiangwen Zhang 1, 2 , Ji-Jun Zou 1, 2

Photocatalytic heterogeneous organic transformation is considered as an efficient, clean atomic economy, and low-energy consumption strategy for organic synthesis. Conjugated polymers (CPs)-based materials have recently shown great potential for diverse photocatalytic applications because of their unique properties, such as structural designability, recyclability, high chemical stability, and low cost, and they have emerged as promising alternatives to traditional molecular or inorganic photocatalyst in photoredox reactions. Immense efforts have been made toward the construction of CPs-based materials for versatile photocatalytic chemical transformations. In this Review, we aim to summarize the recent progress in CPs-based photocatalysts for heterogeneous photocatalytic organic transformations including oxidation, reduction, coupling, and cycloaddition reaction. This Review discusses the influence of molecular, electronic, and channel structure of CPs-based materials on light absorption, charge separation, and mass transfer in different photocatalytic photoredox reactions. The regulated synthesis, mechanistic discussions, and future challenges for heterogeneous photocatalytic organic transformation in CPs-based materials systems are also considered. It is expected that this Review could not only deepen the comprehension of photocatalytic organic transformation but also open up inspirations and feasibilities for the applications of CPs-based materials.


