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Analysis for nonradiative recombination loss and radiation degradation of Si space solar cells
Progress in Photovoltaics ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1002/pip.3346
Masafumi Yamaguchi 1 , Kan‐Hua Lee 1 , Kenji Araki 1 , Nobuaki Kojima 1 , Yasuki Okuno 2 , Mitsuru Imaizumi 3

Silicon space solar cells are currently attracting attention again for their relatively low‐cost feature with sufficient performance, and they are expected to resume into the space market especially by short‐term mission spacecraft designers. In this paper, efficiency potential of crystalline Si space solar cells is analyzed by considering external radiative efficiency (ERE), voltage and fill factor losses. Crystalline Si space solar cells have efficiency potential of more than 26% by realizing ERE of 20% from about 0.2% and normalized resistance of less than 0.05 from around 0.15. Nonradiative recombination and resistance losses in Si space solar cells are also discussed. Radiation degradation of Si space solar cells is also analyzed. Advanced Si solar cells such as passivated emitter, hetero‐junction, and back contact solar cells are expected to use as space solar cells. Potential of advanced Si solar cells for space applications is discussed from point view of radiation degradation.


