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Geographic variation in demography of black perch (Embiotoca jacksoni): Effects of density, food availability, predation, and fishing
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2019.04.008
Darren W. Johnson , Brian S. Stirling , Janelle Paz , Darien R. Satterfield

Abstract It is well known that demographic rates such as growth and mortality may vary among populations, but the degree of variation in demography is often unknown, especially when considering multiple populations at large spatial scales (e.g., across hundreds of kilometers). Likewise, of the many factors that may affect demography, it is often unknown which are the major factors responsible for spatial variation in demographic rates. In this study, we estimated rates of growth and examined age distributions within nine populations of black perch (Embiotoca jacksoni) distributed across ~350 km of coastline. We tested whether spatial variation in demography was associated with several explanatory variables including population density, predator density, food availability, and fishing activity. Our study revealed a substantial amount of spatial variation in demographic rates. Among-population variation in growth accounted for 55% of the total variation, and the coefficient of variation for mean age within a population was 27%, suggesting substantial variation in mortality. Spatial variation in growth was most sensitive to variation in food availability and mean age was lowest at locations with high levels of spearfishing activity. Although the fishery for black perch is not a major one, fishing mortality rates may be very high in some areas. Overall, our results shed light on the ecological forces that shape demographic variation of this species, and suggest that fishing mortality may have a major influence on the dynamics of perch populations.


黑鲈(Embiotoca jacksoni)人口统计学的地理变异:密度、食物供应、捕食和捕鱼的影响

摘要 众所周知,人口增长和死亡率等人口比率可能因人口而异,但人口统计学的变化程度通常是未知的,尤其是在考虑大空间尺度(例如,跨越数百公里)的多个人口时。同样,在可能影响人口统计的许多因素中,通常不知道哪些是造成人口比率空间变化的主要因素。在这项研究中,我们估计了生长率,并检查了分布在约 350 公里海岸线上的九个黑鲈(Embiotoca jacksoni)种群的年龄分布。我们测试了人口统计学的空间变化是否与几个解释变量有关,包括人口密度、捕食者密度、食物供应和捕鱼活动。我们的研究揭示了人口比率的大量空间变化。人口间增长的变异占总变异的 55%,人口内平均年龄的变异系数为 27%,表明死亡率存在显着差异。生长的空间变化对食物供应的变化最敏感,平均年龄在鱼叉捕鱼活动水平高的地方最低。虽然黑鲈的捕捞量不大,但在某些地区捕捞死亡率可能很高。总体而言,我们的结果揭示了影响该物种人口变化的生态力量,并表明捕捞死亡率可能对鲈鱼种群的动态产生重大影响。人口间增长的变异占总变异的 55%,人口内平均年龄的变异系数为 27%,表明死亡率存在显着差异。生长的空间变化对食物供应的变化最敏感,平均年龄在鱼叉捕捞活动水平高的地方最低。虽然黑鲈的捕捞量不大,但在某些地区捕捞死亡率可能很高。总体而言,我们的结果揭示了影响该物种人口变化的生态力量,并表明捕捞死亡率可能对鲈鱼种群的动态产生重大影响。人口间增长的变异占总变异的 55%,人口内平均年龄的变异系数为 27%,表明死亡率存在显着差异。生长的空间变化对食物供应的变化最敏感,平均年龄在鱼叉捕捞活动水平高的地方最低。虽然黑鲈的捕捞量不大,但在某些地区捕捞死亡率可能很高。总体而言,我们的结果揭示了影响该物种人口变化的生态力量,并表明捕捞死亡率可能对鲈鱼种群的动态产生重大影响。生长的空间变化对食物供应的变化最敏感,平均年龄在鱼叉捕捞活动水平高的地方最低。虽然黑鲈的捕捞量不大,但在某些地区捕捞死亡率可能很高。总体而言,我们的结果揭示了影响该物种人口变化的生态力量,并表明捕捞死亡率可能对鲈鱼种群的动态产生重大影响。生长的空间变化对食物供应的变化最敏感,平均年龄在鱼叉捕捞活动水平高的地方最低。虽然黑鲈的捕捞量不大,但在某些地区捕捞死亡率可能很高。总体而言,我们的结果揭示了影响该物种人口变化的生态力量,并表明捕捞死亡率可能对鲈鱼种群的动态产生重大影响。