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Phylogeny, classification and biogeography of bombyliine bee flies (Diptera, Bombyliidae)
Systematic Entomology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-12 , DOI: 10.1111/syen.12361
Xuankun Li 1, 2 , David K. Yeates 1

The Bombyliinae comprises over 1100 described species in 73 known genera distributed worldwide. It is one of the largest subfamilies of bee flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae). We present the first phylogenetic hypothesis for this subfamily, based on 157 adult morphological characters scored for 123 species representing 60 genera, including all the tribes of Bombyliinae, and the related subfamilies Lordotinae and Toxophorinae. Four most parsimonious trees were generated from our analysis under equal weighting schemes. The monophyly of Bombyliinae is supported, and Lordotinae is sister to the Bombyliinae. Within Bombyliinae, Conophorini is sister to the remaining tribes. Five previously recognized tribes are revised and four new tribes are erected. We placed almost all genera in our tribal classification, based on our phylogenetic results and available character evidence. The genus Parabombylius is proposed as a synonym of Bombylius. The Gondwanan origin for the major lineages of Bombyliinae is strongly indicated by our biogeographic analysis which reconstructs ancestral areas.



Bombyliinae 包括分布在世界各地的 73 个已知属中的 1100 多个已描述物种。它是最大的蜂蝇亚科之一(双翅目:Bombyliidae)。我们提出了该亚科的第一个系统发育假设,基于对代表 60 个属的 123 个物种的 157 个成虫形态特征进行评分,包括 Bombyliinae 的所有部落以及相关的亚科 Lordotinae 和 Toxophorinae。在等权重方案下,我们的分析生成了四棵最简约的树。支持 Bombyliinae 的单系,而 Lordotinae 是 Bombyliinae 的姐妹。在 Bombyliinae 中,Conophorini 是其余部落的姐妹。五个先前公认的部落进行了修订,并建立了四个新部落。我们把几乎所有的属都放在我们的部落分类中,基于我们的系统发育结果和可用的特征证据。Parabombylius 属被提议作为 Bombylius 的同义词。我们重建祖先区域的生物地理学分析强烈表明了 Bombyliinae 主要谱系的冈瓦纳起源。