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An Introduction to the Physical Geography of the Qiangtang Plateau: A Frontier for Future Geoscience Research on the Tibetan Plateau
Physical Geography ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2010-11-01 , DOI: 10.2747/0272-3646.31.6.475
Guocheng Dong 1 , Chaolu Yi 1 , Lijia Chen 1

The Qiangtang Plateau, an area of 5.97 × 105 km2, is located in a remote area of the Tibetan Plateau. It is the highest and largest flat area in Tibet, with an average elevation over 5000 m, but relief of only a few hundred meters. The Qiangtang Plateau has great potential for physical geography research. It is very cold and dry, with strong prevailing westerly winds. It has an extensive inland water system with the greatest number of plateau glaciers in the world, and the largest lake area in Tibet. Many rivers on the plateau are sourced by glaciers and drain to inland lakes. River valleys are shallow owing to weak fluvial downcutting and the glacial landforms are small in comparison with those in the surrounding mountains. Lake terraces and sand ridges are widely present, owing to water-level oscillations in the past. Unique species of plants and animals live in this arid land, despite the thin soil and sparse vegetation. To date, none of these features have been well studied, providing a unique opportunity for scientific exploration.