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Ultrathin Bismuth Oxyiodide Nanosheets for Photocatalytic Ammonia Generation from Nitrogen and Water under Visible to Near-infrared Light
Materials Today Physics ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mtphys.2020.100293
M. Mohebinia , C. Wu , G. Yang , S. Dai , A. Hakimian , T. Tong , H. Ghasemi , Z. Wang , D. Wang , Z. Ren , J. Bao

Abstract Artificial photosynthesis of ammonia using atmospheric nitrogen and water is a sustainable but challenging alternative to the Haber-Bosch process. Bismuth oxyiodide (BiOI) is a promising candidate due to its superior light absorption capability (bandgap of around 1.8 eV) and abundant surface oxygen vacancies. However, its improper band edge positions made it inactive for overall water-splitting and N2 fixation. In this work, ultrathin BiOI nanosheets were synthesized through a simple surfactant (PVP) assisted hydrothermal route. The nanosheets split pure water into H2 and O2 and converted nitrogen and water into ammonia under visible or near-infrared light. PVP capping not only reduced the thickness of BiOI sheets but also upshifted its band edge positions due to the surface electric dipole induced by polyvinyl pyrrolidone molecules on the BiOI surface, thus enabling the water oxidation and nitrogen reduction half reactions simultaneously.



摘要 利用大气中的氮和水对氨进行人工光合作用是一种可持续但具有挑战性的哈伯-博世工艺替代方案。由于其优异的光吸收能力(约 1.8 eV 的带隙)和丰富的表面氧空位,氧碘化铋 (BiOI) 是一种很有前途的候选材料。然而,其不正确的带边缘位置使其对于整体水分解和 N2 固定不起作用。在这项工作中,通过简单的表面活性剂 (PVP) 辅助水热途径合成了超薄 BiOI 纳米片。纳米片在可见光或近红外光下将纯水分解为 H2 和 O2,并将氮和水转化为氨。