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Identification and Determination of Betacyanins in Fruit Extracts of Melocactus Species.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.0c04746
Katarzyna Sutor 1 , Sławomir Wybraniec 1

Betacyanin pigments were studied in edible fruits of four Melocactus species, M. violaceus Pfeiff., M. bahiensis (Britton & Rose) Luetzelb, M. amoenus (Hoffm.) Pfeiff., and M. curvispinus Pfeiff., by means of chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques. The main pigment constituent, melocactin, endogenously present in the Melocactus species, was identified as betanidin 5-O-β-sophoroside betacyanin, previously known as “bougainvillein-r-I”. The highest total concentration of betacyanins was found in fruits of M. amoenus (∼0.08 mg/g). Except for melocactin being the most abundant betacyanin (34.8–38.8%) in the analyzed species, a presence of its malonylated derivative, mammillarinin (15.2–19.9%), as well as more hydrophobic feruloyled and sinapoyled melocactins was confirmed by additional co-chromatographic experiments with authentic reference betacyanins. The acyl migration isomers of the malonylated betacyanins as well as a presence of 5′′-O-E-sinapoyl-2′-O-apiosyl-betanin (2.3–3.0%) found frequently in light-stressed cacti was also acknowledged.



Betacyanin颜料是在四个食用水果研究Melocactus物种,M.菜Pfeiff。,M. bahiensis(的Britton&玫瑰)Luetzelb,M. amoenus(Hoffm。)Pfeiff。,和M. curvispinus Pfeiff,通过色谱手段和质谱技术。识别出的主要色素成分,melocactin,是内生于Melocactus物种中的,被鉴定为甜菊素5 - O -β-槐糖苷甜菜色素,以前称为“九重葛-rI”。甜菜青素的最高总浓度的水果中发现M. amoenus(〜0.08 mg / g)。除了melocactin是所分析物种中最丰富的β-花青素(34.8–38.8%)外,还通过其他共色谱法确认了其丙二酰化衍生物,mamillarinin(15.2–19.9%)以及更疏水的阿魏酸和芥子醛的meactactin的存在。使用正品参比花青素进行实验。人们还承认,丙二酰化花青素的酰基转移异构体以及在轻度胁迫的仙人掌中经常发现的5''- O - E-芥子基-2'- O -apiosyl-betanin(2.3-3.0%)的存在。