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Mordant dye application on cotton: optimisation and combination with natural dyes
Coloration Technology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-13 , DOI: 10.1111/cote.12288
Yi Ding 1 , Harold S. Freeman 1

It is well known that cotton fibres can be dyed through the formation of coordinate bonds involving cellulose chains, mordants such as alum, and natural dyes such as alizarin. Similarly, synthetic dyes known as mordant acid dyes can be used to dye wool fibres. Unlike mordant dyes on wool, the fastnesses of natural dyes on cotton are often low. Although concerns surrounding textile sustainability have sparked renewed interest in the use of natural dyes, extensive replacement of synthetic dyes with natural dyes is neither practical nor fundamentally possible. However, similarities in dyeing methods using mordant and natural dyes raise the possibility of using mordant dyes as alternatives to natural dyes in the dyeing of cotton. Further, the potential for combining suitable dyes from these two classes to expand the colour gamut currently available from natural dyes on cotton seem worthy of exploration. The results of this study indicate that shades comparable with those produced by natural dyes can be obtained on cotton using select mordant dyes following Fe2+ and Al3+ pretreatments. The best results were obtained using a two-step/two-bath process and dyes such as CI Mordant Blue 13 and CI Mordant Orange 6. In evaluations of mordant and natural dye combinations using the two mordant dyes logwood and Osage orange as prototypes, interesting fabric shades were obtained. However, the fastness properties of these dyes must be improved in order to produce commercially viable dyeings.



众所周知,棉纤维可以通过纤维素链、媒染剂(如明矾)和天然染料(如茜素)形成配位键进行染色。类似地,称为媒染酸性染料的合成染料可用于给羊毛纤维染色。与羊毛上的媒染染料不同,天然染料在棉上的牢度通常较低。尽管围绕纺织品可持续性的担忧重新激发了对使用天然染料的兴趣,但用天然染料广泛替代合成染料既不切实际,也根本不可能。然而,使用媒染染料和天然染料的染色方法的相似性提高了在棉花染色中使用媒染染料替代天然染料的可能性。更多,将这两类合适的染料结合起来以扩大目前可从棉花上的天然​​染料获得的色域的潜力似乎值得探索。这项研究的结果表明,在 Fe2+ 和 Al3+ 预处理后,使用精选媒染染料可以在棉花上获得与天然染料产生的色调相当的色调。最好的结果是使用两步/两浴工艺和 CI 媒染蓝 13 和 CI 媒染橙 6 等染料获得的。 在使用两种媒染染料 logwood 和 Osage 橙作为原型评估媒染和天然染料组合时,有趣的是获得织物色调。然而,必须改进这些染料的牢度特性,以生产商业上可行的染色。这项研究的结果表明,在 Fe2+ 和 Al3+ 预处理后,使用精选媒染染料可以在棉花上获得与天然染料产生的色调相当的色调。最好的结果是使用两步/两浴工艺和 CI 媒染蓝 13 和 CI 媒染橙 6 等染料获得的。 在使用两种媒染染料 logwood 和 Osage 橙作为原型评估媒染和天然染料组合时,有趣的是获得织物色调。然而,必须改进这些染料的牢度特性,以生产商业上可行的染色。这项研究的结果表明,在 Fe2+ 和 Al3+ 预处理后,使用精选媒染染料可以在棉花上获得与天然染料产生的色调相当的色调。最好的结果是使用两步/两浴工艺和 CI 媒染蓝 13 和 CI 媒染橙 6 等染料获得的。 在使用两种媒染染料 logwood 和 Osage 橙作为原型评估媒染和天然染料组合时,有趣的是获得织物色调。然而,必须改进这些染料的牢度特性,以生产商业上可行的染色。在使用两种媒染染料 logwood 和 Osage orange 作为原型对媒染和天然染料组合进行评估时,获得了有趣的织物色调。然而,必须改进这些染料的牢度特性,以生产商业上可行的染色。在使用两种媒染染料 logwood 和 Osage orange 作为原型对媒染和天然染料组合进行评估时,获得了有趣的织物色调。然而,必须改进这些染料的牢度特性,以生产商业上可行的染色。