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Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Cu(111) onto an l-Cysteine Self-Assembled Monolayer on Au(111) and Epitaxial Lift-Off of Single-Crystal-like Cu Foils for Flexible Electronics
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05425
Bin Luo 1 , Avishek Banik 1 , Eric W. Bohannan 1 , Jay A. Switzer 1

Functional self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols on single-crystal metals provide two-dimensional (2D) soft templates for the highly ordered growth of crystalline materials. An epitaxial Cu(111) film is electrodeposited on a SAM of the amino acid l-cysteine on Au(111). Epitaxy is confirmed, with Cu(111) following the Au(111) in-plane and out-of-plane orientations with a small amount of twinned [511] orientation, which is shown by X-ray analysis. The mismatch between Cu(111) and the Au(111) substrate is −11.37%. This mismatch is lowered to −0.29% by forming a coincident site lattice in which nine unit meshes of Cu coincide with eight unit meshes of Au. Defect-mediated and coordination-controlled electrodeposition mechanisms are illustrated as two possible deposition mechanisms. The carboxylic (−COOH) and amine (−NH2) functional groups of the l-cysteine molecule are shown to be crucial for the epitaxy of Cu because a 1-butanethiol SAM on Au(111) which has no functional groups yields a textured film with no in-plane order. The (√3 × √3)R30° surface structure of l-cysteine SAM and the c(4 × 2) surface structure of 1-butanethiol SAM on Au(111) are discussed. A 3D model of the Cu lattice on the l-cysteine SAM on Au(111) is proposed. A possible coordination to Cu is shown, which facilitates the epitaxial nucleation and 2D growth of Cu. The Cu(111) films have potential as a substrate for catalysts for CO2 reduction, photovoltaic devices, spintronic devices, and high-temperature superconductors. Direct epitaxial lift-off of the Cu film without etching gives a single-crystal-like Cu(111) foil. The Cu(111) foil exhibits a low resistivity of 3.75 × 10–8 Ω·m and good bending stability, showing only a 12% increase in resistance after 104 bending cycles. Cu(111) foils can be utilized as inexpensive, highly ordered, and conductive substrates for flexible electronics such as wearable solar cells, sensors, and flexible displays. Here, we show an example by electrodepositing epitaxial cuprous oxide on a Cu(111) foil.



单晶金属上硫醇的功能性自组装单分子层(SAMs)为晶体材料的高度有序生长提供了二维(2D)软模板。在氨基酸l的SAM上电沉积外延Cu(111)膜-Au(111)上的半胱氨酸。证实了外延,Cu(111)遵循Au(111)的面内和面外取向,并具有少量的孪生[511]取向,这通过X射线分析显示。Cu(111)和Au(111)基板之间的失配为-11.37%。通过形成一个重合的点阵晶格,将不匹配率降低到-0.29%,在该重合的晶格中,九个Cu单元网格与八个Au单元网格一致。缺陷介导和协调控制的电沉积机理被说明为两种可能的沉积机理。羧酸(-COOH)和胺(-NH 2所述的)官能团的-半胱氨酸分子被证明对Cu的外延至关重要,因为在Au(111)上没有官能团的1-丁硫醇SAM产生没有平面内有序的织构膜。讨论了1-半胱氨酸SAM的(√3×√3)R 30°表面结构和1-丁烷硫醇SAM在Au(111)上的c(4×2)表面结构。提出了在Au(111)上的l-半胱氨酸SAM上的Cu晶格的3D模型。显示了与Cu的可能配位,其促进Cu的外延成核和二维生长。Cu(111)膜有潜力作为CO 2催化剂的底物还原,光伏设备,自旋电子设备和高温超导体。在不蚀刻的情况下直接外延剥离Cu膜可得到单晶状的Cu(111)箔。Cu(111)箔表现出3.75×10 –8Ω ·m的低电阻率和良好的弯曲稳定性,在10 4个弯曲循环后,电阻仅增加了12%。Cu(111)箔可用作廉价,高度有序且导电的基板,用于柔性电子设备,例如可穿戴太阳能电池,传感器和柔性显示器。在这里,我们通过在Cu(111)箔上电沉积外延氧化亚铜显示了一个示例。