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A Shock-Tube Study of the Rate Constant of PH3 + M ⇄ PH2 + H + M (M = Ar) Using PH3 Laser Absorption.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c04917
Clayton R Mulvihill 1 , Raquel Juárez 1 , Olivier Mathieu 1 , Eric L Petersen 1

Phosphine (PH3) is a highly reactive and toxic gas. Prior experimental investigations of PH3 pyrolysis reactions have included only low-temperature measurements. This study reports the first shock-tube measurements of PH3 pyrolysis using a new PH3 laser absorption technique near 4.56 μm. Experiments were conducted in mixtures of 0.5% PH3/Ar behind reflected shock waves at temperatures of 1460–2013 K and pressures of ∼1.3 and ∼0.5 atm. The PH3 time histories displayed two-stage behavior similar to that previously observed for NH3 decomposition, suggesting by analogy that the rate constant for PH3 + M ⇄ PH2 + H + M (R1) could be determined. A simple three-step mechanism was assembled for data analysis. In a detailed kinetic analysis of the first-stage PH3 decomposition, values of k1,0 were obtained and best described by (in cm3·mol–1·s–1) k1,0 = 7.78 × 1017 exp(−80,400/RT), with units of cal, mol, K, s, and cm3. Agreement between the 1.3 and 0.5 atm data confirmed that the measured k1,0 was in the low-pressure limit. Agreement of the experimental k1,0 with ab initio estimates resolved the question of the main pathway of PH3 decomposition: it proceeds as PH3 ⇄ PH2 + H instead of PH3 ⇄ PH + H2.


利用PH3激光吸收对PH3 + M⇄PH2 + H + M(M = Ar)的速率常数进行冲击管研究。

磷化氢(PH 3)是一种高反应性和剧毒气体。先前对PH 3热解反应的实验研究仅包括低温测量。这项研究报告了使用新的PH 3激光吸收技术(接近4.56μm)对PH 3热解的首次冲击管测量。实验是在1460–2013 K温度和〜1.3和〜0.5 atm的压力下,在反射冲击波后面的0.5%PH 3 / Ar混合物中进行的。PH 3的时间历史记录显示出类似于先前对NH 3分解观察到的两阶段行为,通过类推表明,PH 3 + M⇄PH 2的速率常数+ H + M(R1)可以确定。组装了一个简单的三步机制进行数据分析。在第一阶段PH 3分解的详细动力学分析中,获得了k 1,0的值,并用(cm 3 ·mol –1 ·s –1k 1,0 = 7.78×10 17 exp( -80,400 / RT),单位为cal,mol,K,s和cm 3。1.3和0.5 atm数据之间的一致性证明,测得的k 1,0在低压极限内。实验值k 1,0与从头估计解决PH的主通路的问题3分解:它前进如PH 3 ⇄PH 2 + H代替PH 3 ⇄PH + H 2