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Dietary calcium and vitamin K are associated with osteoporotic fracture risk in middle-aged and elderly Japanese women, but not men: the Murakami Cohort Study
British Journal of Nutrition ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0007114520001567
Kseniia Platonova , Kaori Kitamura , Yumi Watanabe , Ribeka Takachi , Toshiko Saito , Keiko Kabasawa , Akemi Takahashi , Ryosaku Kobayashi , Rieko Oshiki , Aleksandr Solovev , Masayuki Iki , Shoichiro Tsugane , Ayako Sasaki , Osamu Yamazaki , Kei Watanabe , Kazutoshi Nakamura

Although dietary Ca, vitamin D and vitamin K are nutritional factors associated with osteoporosis, little is known about their effects on incident osteoporotic fractures in East Asian populations. This study aimed to determine whether intakes of these nutrients predict incident osteoporotic fractures. We adopted a cohort study design with a 5-year follow-up. Subjects were 12 794 community-dwelling individuals (6301 men and 6493 women) aged 40–74 years. Dietary intakes of Ca, vitamin D and vitamin K were assessed with a validated FFQ. Covariates were demographic and lifestyle factors. All incident cases of major osteoporotic limb fractures, including those of the distal forearm, neck of humerus, neck or trochanter of femur and lumbar or thoracic spine were collected. Hazard ratios (HR) for energy-adjusted Ca, vitamin D and vitamin K were calculated with the residual method. Mean age was 58·8 (sd 9·3) years. Lower energy-adjusted intakes of Ca and vitamin K in women were associated with higher adjusted HR of total fractures (Pfor trend = 0·005 and 0·08, respectively). When vertebral fracture was the outcome, Pfor trend values for Ca and vitamin K were 0·03 and 0·006, respectively, and HR of the lowest and highest (reference) intake groups were 2·03 (95 % CI 1·08, 3·82) and 2·26 (95 % CI 1·19, 4·26), respectively. In men, there were null associations between incident fractures and each of the three nutrient intakes. Lower intakes of dietary Ca and vitamin K were independent lifestyle-related risk factors for osteoporotic fracture in women but not men. These associations were robust for vertebral fractures, but not for limb fractures.


膳食钙和维生素 K 与日本中老年女性的骨质疏松性骨折风险相关,但与男性无关:村上队列研究

尽管饮食中的钙、维生素 D 和维生素 K 是与骨质疏松症相关的营养因素,但对于它们对东亚人群发生骨质疏松性骨折的影响知之甚少。本研究旨在确定这些营养素的摄入量是否可以预测骨质疏松性骨折的发生。我们采用了一项为期 5 年随访的队列研究设计。受试者是 12794 名社区居民(6301 名男性和 6493 名女性),年龄在 40-74 岁之间。钙、维生素 D 和维生素 K 的膳食摄入量使用经过验证的 FFQ 进行评估。协变量是人口统计学和生活方式因素。收集所有发生严重骨质疏松性肢体骨折的病例,包括前臂远端、肱骨颈、股骨颈或转子以及腰椎或胸椎的骨折。能量调整钙的危险比 (HR),维生素 D 和维生素 K 采用残差法计算。平均年龄 58·8 (sd9·3) 年。女性较低的能量调整钙和维生素 K 摄入量与较高的全骨折调整 HR 相关。趋势= 0·005 和 0·08,分别)。结果椎骨骨折时,趋势Ca 和维生素 K 的值分别为 0·03 和 0·006,最低和最高(参考)摄入组的 HR 分别为 2·03 (95 % CI 1·08, 3·82) 和 2·26 ( 95 % CI 1·19、4·26)。在男性中,骨折事件与三种营养摄入量中的每一种都没有关联。饮食中钙和维生素 K 的摄入量较低是女性骨质疏松性骨折的独立生活方式相关风险因素,而男性则不然。这些关联对于椎体骨折是稳健的,但对于肢体骨折则不然。