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Self-assembly behavior of experimentally realizable lobed patchy particles.
Soft Matter ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1039/d0sm00954g
Sanjib Paul 1 , Harish Vashisth 1

We report simulation studies on the self-assembly behavior of five different types of lobed patchy particles of different shapes (snowman, dumbbell, trigonal planar, square planar, and tetrahedral). Inspired by an experimental method of synthesizing patchy particles (Wang et al., Nature, 2012, 491, 51–55), we control the lobe size indirectly by gradually varying the seed diameter and study its effect on self-assembled structures at different temperatures. Snowman shaped particles self-assemble only at a lower temperature and form two-dimensional sheets, elongated micelles, and spherical micelles, depending on the seed diameter. Each of the four other lobed particles self-assemble into four distinct morphologies (random aggregates, spherical aggregates, liquid droplets, and crystalline structures) for a given lobe size and temperature. We observed temperature-dependent transitions between two morphologies depending on the type of the lobed particle. The self-assembled structures formed by these four types of particles are porous. We show that their porosities can be tuned by controlling the lobe size and temperature.



我们报告模拟研究的五种不同类型的不同形状(雪人,哑铃,三角平面,正方形平面和四面体)的裂片状粒子的自组装行为。受到合成斑片粒子的实验方法的启发(Wang et al。Nature2012,491(51-55),我们通过逐渐改变种子直径间接控制叶的大小,并研究其对不同温度下自组装结构的影响。雪人形颗粒只能在较低温度下自组装,并根据种子直径形成二维薄片,细长的胶束和球形胶束。对于给定的波瓣尺寸和温度,四个其他的波状粒子中的每一个都自组装成四个不同的形态(随机聚集体,球形聚集体,液滴和晶体结构)。我们观察到取决于叶状颗粒类型的两种形态之间的温度相关转变。由这四种类型的颗粒形成的自组装结构是多孔的。我们表明,可以通过控制波瓣的大小和温度来调节其孔隙率。