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Design and Synthesis of Silver Decorated Fe3O4 @ Fe Doped CeO2 Core‐Shell Ternary Composite as Highly Efficient Nanocatalyst for Selective Oxidation of Alkenes
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.202002349
Topi Ghosh 1 , Neha Choudhary 1 , Shaikh M. Mobin 1, 2, 3

Well define silver decorated Fe3O4 @ Fe doped CeO2 core‐shell ternary composite based nanocatalyst was designed and synthesized. This Fe3O4@Fe‐CeO2/Ag nanocatalyst undergoes alkenes oxidation which showed 100 % conversion of styrene with 95 % selectivity for benzaldehyde by using 70 % aqueous tert‐butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) under optimum reaction condition. The Fe3O4@Fe‐CeO2/Ag catalyst was further evaluated for substrate scope showed an excellent conversion, high selectivity for corresponding aldehydes with excellent reusability of catalyst.


掺银的Fe3O4 @ Fe掺杂的CeO2核壳三元复合材料的设计与合成作为高效的烯烃选择性氧化纳米催化剂

设计并合成了纯银修饰的Fe 3 O 4 @ Fe掺杂CeO 2核壳三元复合纳米催化剂。这种Fe 3 O 4 @ Fe‐CeO 2 / Ag纳米催化剂经历了烯烃氧化反应,通过在最佳反应条件下使用70%丁基过氧化氢水溶液(TBHP),苯乙烯转化率为100%,苯甲醛选择性为95%。进一步评估了Fe 3 O 4 @ Fe-CeO 2 / Ag催化剂的底物范围,显示出优异的转化率,对相应醛的高选择性以及极好的催化剂可重复使用性。