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Orientation Regulation of Photoactive Layer in Tin‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells with Allylammonium Cations
Solar RRL ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000315
Ziran Zhao 1 , Feidan Gu 1 , Chengbo Wang 1 , Ge Zhan 1 , Nanlong Zheng 1 , Zuqiang Bian 1 , Zhiwei Liu 1

The low power conversion efficiency (PCE) of tin‐based perovskite solar cells is mainly caused by severe Sn2+ oxidation and trap state formation. Herein, the reduction of Sn4+ content and trap density is realized through the formation of quasi‐2D tin‐based perovskite by incorporating allylammonium (ALA) cations into formamidinium tin iodide (FASnI3). The composition modification substantially enhances the crystallinity and morphology of the perovskite films, leading to a preferred crystal orientation that facilitates charge carrier transport. After optimization, a high maximum PCE of 9.48% is achieved in a planar p‐i‐n photovoltaic device based on (ALA)2(FA)n−1SnnX3n+1 (<n> = 25). In the meantime, the device also shows improved stability compared with the FASnI3‐based one.



锡基钙钛矿太阳能电池的低功率转换效率(PCE)主要由严重的Sn 2+氧化和陷阱态形成引起。在本文中,通过将铝基铝(ALA)阳离子掺入甲ami碘化锡(FASnI 3)中来形成准2D锡基钙钛矿,从而实现Sn 4+含量和阱密度的降低。组成改性实质上增强了钙钛矿膜的结晶度和形态,从而导致有利于电荷载流子传输的优选的晶体取向。经过优化后,基于(ALA)2(FA)n -1 Sn n X的平面p-i-n光伏器件的最大PCE达到9.48%3 n +1(< n > = 25)。同时,与基于FASnI 3的设备相比,该设备还显示出更高的稳定性。