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KSP: an integrated method for predicting catalyzing kinases of phosphorylation sites in proteins.
BMC Genomics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1186/s12864-020-06895-2
Hongli Ma 1, 2 , Guojun Li 1, 2 , Zhengchang Su 3

Protein phosphorylation by kinases plays crucial roles in various biological processes including signal transduction and tumorigenesis, thus a better understanding of protein phosphorylation events in cells is fundamental for studying protein functions and designing drugs to treat diseases caused by the malfunction of phosphorylation. Although a large number of phosphorylation sites in proteins have been identified using high-throughput phosphoproteomic technologies, their specific catalyzing kinases remain largely unknown. Therefore, computational methods are urgently needed to predict the kinases that catalyze the phosphorylation of these sites. We developed KSP, a new algorithm for predicting catalyzing kinases for experimentally identified phosphorylation sites in human proteins. KSP constructs a network based on known protein-protein interactions and kinase-substrate relationships. Based on the network, it computes an affinity score between a phosphorylation site and kinases, and returns the top-ranked kinases of the score as candidate catalyzing kinases. When tested on known kinase-substrate pairs, KSP outperforms existing methods including NetworKIN, iGPS, and PKIS. We developed a novel accurate tool for predicting catalyzing kinases of known phosphorylation sites. It can work as a complementary network approach for sequence-based phosphorylation site predictors.


