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Co2P/CoP hybrid as a reversible electrocatalyst for hydrogen oxidation/evolution reactions in alkaline medium
Journal of Catalysis ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2020.07.023
Guoju Huang , Wanli Liang , Yinlong Wu , Jiawang Li , Yan Qi Jin , Hongbin Zeng , Hao Zhang , Fangyan Xie , Jian Chen , Nan Wang , Yanshuo Jin , Hui Meng

Due to the rapid development of alkaline polymer electrolyte fuel cells and water splitting, it is becoming increasingly urgent to develop non-precious metal electrocatalysts for the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline medium. Herein, Co2P/CoP hybrid is synthesized from cobalt carbonate hydroxide (CoCH) precursor, and further evaluated for the electrocatalytic HOR and HER in alkaline electrolytes. Specifically, benefiting from the reasonable hybrid structure that integrate suitable hydrogen adsorption energy of CoP and excellent conductivity of Co2P, Co2P/CoP hybrid exhibits excellent catalytic activities. The Co2P/CoP@NF hybrid has impressive HER activity, with a current density of −10 mA cm−2 at the overpotentials of −61 mV and the Tafel slope of 55.1 mV dec−1, which can compete with recently reported transition metal phosphides and cobalt-based catalysts. In addition, the exchange current density of Co2P/CoP@NF hybrid is ~ 0.82 mA cm−2 for HOR, which is close to commercial Pt/C catalyst (~1.14 mA cm−2).


Co 2 P / CoP杂化物作为可逆电催化剂,用于碱性介质中的氢氧化/演化反应

由于碱性聚合物电解质燃料电池的快速发展和水分解,开发用于碱性介质中的氢氧化反应(HOR)和氢释放反应(HER)的非贵金属电催化剂变得越来越紧迫。在此,Co 2 P / CoP杂化物是由氢氧化碳酸钴(CoCH)前体合成的,并进一步评估了其在碱性电解质中的电催化作用。具体地,受益于合理的杂化结构,其整合了合适的CoP的氢吸附能和优异的Co 2 P电导率,Co 2 P / CoP杂化表现出优异的催化活性。钴2P / CoP @ NF杂化物具有令人印象深刻的HER活性,在-61 mV的过电势下的电流密度为-10 mA cm -2,Tafel斜率为55.1 mV dec -1,可以与最近报道的过渡金属磷化物和钴基催化剂。另外,对于HOR,Co 2 P / CoP @ NF杂化物的交换电流密度为〜0.82mA cm -2,这接近于商用Pt / C催化剂(〜1.14mA cm -2)。
