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The nodulation and nyctinastic leaf movement is orchestrated by clock gene LHY in Medicago truncatula
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12999
Yiming Kong 1 , Lu Han 1 , Xiu Liu 1 , Hongfeng Wang 1, 2 , Lizhu Wen 1 , Xiaolin Yu 1 , Xiaodong Xu 3 , Fanjiang Kong 2 , Chunxiang Fu 4 , Kirankumar S. Mysore 5 , Jiangqi Wen 5 , Chuanen Zhou 1

As sessile organisms, plants perceive, respond, and adapt to the environmental changes for optimal growth and survival. The plant growth and fitness are enhanced by circadian clocks through coordination of numerous biological events. In legume species, nitrogen‐fixing root nodules were developed as the plant organs specialized for symbiotic transfer of nitrogen between microsymbiont and host. Here, we report that the endogenous circadian rhythm in nodules is regulated by MtLHY in legume species Medicago truncatula. Loss of function of MtLHY leads to a reduction in the number of nodules formed, resulting in a diminished ability to assimilate nitrogen. The operation of the 24‐h rhythm in shoot is further influenced by the availability of nitrogen produced by the nodules, leading to the irregulated nyctinastic leaf movement and reduced biomass in mtlhy mutants. These data shed new light on the roles of MtLHY in the orchestration of circadian oscillator in nodules and shoots, which provides a mechanistic link between nodulation, nitrogen assimilation, and clock function.


