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An Expansion of Crystalline Sponge X-ray Analysis to Elucidate the Molecular Structure of Reactive Compounds via Ion Pair Formation.
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.202002504
Yoshimasa Taniguchi 1 , Rie Matsumoto 1 , Tomoyuki Kadota 1

The crystalline sponge (CS) method allows structural elucidation of a target compound (guest) in solution by single crystal X‐ray diffraction through trapping the guest into the CS framework. In principle, the CS method is inapplicable to reactive compounds that break the CS framework, such as acidic, basic, or nucleophilic ones. Here, a solution to this problem is disclosed wherein an ion pair of the guest compound is formed during the guest‐soaking step by adding a suitable reagent. The ion pair can be observed and does not damage the CS framework. Using the developed method, amino, guanidino, and amidino compounds have been successfully analyzed as ion pairs with sulfonic acids. Practical utility has been shown because the absolute configurations of optically resolved amine derivatives were revealed with only a few micrograms. This demonstrates that the ion‐pair‐soaking method is simple and expands the range of compounds applicable to the CS method.


