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Elucidation of the Jahn-Teller effect in a pair of sodium isomer
Nano Energy ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.105167
Peng-Fei Wang , Ting Jin , Jiaxun Zhang , Qin-Chao Wang , Xiao Ji , Chunyu Cui , Nan Piao , Sufu Liu , Jijian Xu , Xiao-Qing Yang , Chunsheng Wang

Jahn-Teller distorted Mn(III) (t2g3eg1) ions play a key role in the performance of manganese-based layered oxides. Here we show that there is an obvious relationship between the Jahn-Teller distortion of a trivalent manganese and the electrochemistry in a pair of Na isomer, namely orthorhombic and hexagonal P2-type Na2/3Mn0.9Ti0.1O2 having the same composition. It is found that more reversible phase transformations, higher working voltage and faster Na diffusion correlated with Jahn-Teller effect are found for distorted P′2-Na2/3Mn0.9Ti0.1O2 upon Na+ ions extraction/insertion. Such Jahn-Teller distorted Mn assisted Na migration enables that the orthorhombic Na2/3Mn0.9Ti0.1O2 delivers a high specific capacity of 204.0 mA h g−1 with a 2.7 V average working voltage, reaching 550 Wh Kg−1 with both better cycle stability (a capacity retention of 82.3% after 100 cycles) and enhanced rate capability (97.8 mA h g−1 cycled at 10C) in Na cell in contrast with undistorted Na2/3Mn0.9Ti0.1O2. This strategy for understanding the Jahn-Teller effect of P2-type compounds at orbital energy level grasps new insight into designing high energy density positive electrode materials for Na-ion batteries.



Jahn-Teller变形的Mn(III)(t 2g 3 e g 1)离子在锰基层状氧化物的性能中起关键作用。在这里,我们表明三价锰的Jahn-Teller畸变与一对Na异构体,即具有相同组成的正交和六方P2-型Na 2/3 Mn 0.9 Ti 0.1 O 2的电化学之间存在明显的关系。。可知更可逆相变,较高的工作电压和Jahn-Teller效应相关更快的Na扩散被发现为扭曲P'2钠2/3的Mn 0.9的Ti 0.1 ø 2时的Na+离子提取/插入。这种Jahn-Teller畸变的Mn辅助的Na迁移使斜方晶的Na 2/3 Mn 0.9 Ti 0.1 O 2能够以2.7 V的平均工作电压提供204.0 mA h g -1的高比容量,两者均达到550 Wh Kg -1与未变形的Na 2/3 Mn 0.9 Ti 0.1 O 2相比,Na电池具有更好的循环稳定性(在100次循环后容量保持率为82.3%)和增强的倍率能力(在10C循环下为97.8 mA hg -1)。。这种了解P2型化合物在轨道能级的Jahn-Teller效应的策略,为设计用于Na离子电池的高能量密度正极材料提供了新的见识。
