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Micronization in food processing: A comprehensive review of mechanistic approach, physicochemical, functional properties and self-stability of micronized food materials
Journal of Food Engineering ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.110248
Atul Dhiman , Pramod K. Prabhakar

Abstract Micronization is a mechanical and high shearing operation to downsize the particles of food material to the micron range. Conventionally micronization techniques were employed in pharmaceutical industries but in recent decades various studies have revealed its immense potential in food industries. This article reveals remarkable changes brought by micronization techniques in the food matrix. Size reduction to micron size boosts functional properties and physicochemical properties like water holding capacity, swelling capacity, solubility and antioxidant capacity. It also helps in preserving food by exposing the antimicrobial compounds on the surface or by inactivating microbes or by inhibiting enzymes thus improving the food stability. Micronization delayed retrogradation, induced gelatinization, reduced syneresis, decreased fermentation time, produced stable products and improved dissolution rate. These unique changes were found due to decrease in particle size and increase in surface area. Micronization by grinding, homogenizing, electrospraying and solvent-less micronization by supercritical fluid has been uniquely worked upon for the readers and researchers to have quick glance over recent trends and innovation. This review also details on principles, effective parameters, particle size, major outcomes, advantages and disadvantages of each micronizing technique.



摘要 微粉化是一种机械和高剪切操作,可将食品材料的颗粒缩小到微米范围。传统的微粉化技术用于制药行业,但近几十年来,各种研究揭示了其在食品行业的巨大潜力。本文揭示了微粉化技术在食品基质中带来的显着变化。尺寸减小到微米尺寸可提高功能特性和物理化学特性,如保水能力、溶胀能力、溶解性和抗氧化能力。它还可以通过将抗微生物化合物暴露在表面上或通过灭活微生物或抑制酶从而提高食品稳定性来帮助保存食品。微粉化延迟回生,诱导糊化,减少脱水收缩,缩短发酵时间,生产稳定的产品并提高溶出度。由于粒径减小和表面积增加,发现了这些独特的变化。通过研磨、均质、电喷雾和无溶剂超临界流体微粉化已成为读者和研究人员快速浏览最新趋势和创新的独特工作。这篇综述还详细介绍了每种微粉化技术的原理、有效参数、粒度、主要结果、优缺点。通过超临界流体进行电喷雾和无溶剂微粉化的独特工作是让读者和研究人员快速浏览最近的趋势和创新。这篇综述还详细介绍了每种微粉化技术的原理、有效参数、粒度、主要结果、优缺点。通过超临界流体进行电喷雾和无溶剂微粉化的独特工作是让读者和研究人员快速浏览最近的趋势和创新。这篇综述还详细介绍了每种微粉化技术的原理、有效参数、粒度、主要结果、优缺点。