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Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Nb2O5 for Low-Temperature CO Oxidation and as Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries
Applied Catalysis A: General ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2020.117747
Luong Xuan Dien , Quang Duc Truong , Toru Murayama , Huynh Dang Chinh , Ayako Taketoshi , Itaru Honma , Masatake Haruta , Tamao Ishida

We prepared a series of Nb2O5 polymorphs by the sol-gel method and the sol-gel hydrothermal method. Gold nanoparticles supported on Nb2O5 were prepared by solid grinding method. Au on pseudohexagonal (TT-phase) Nb2O5 containing an amorphous phase exhibited higher catalytic activity for CO oxidation than did other Au/Nb2O5 polymorphs. For the electrochemical properties for cathode materials of Li-ion batteries, Nb2O5 (TT) exhibited high capacity of 208 mA h g-1, and the deposition of Au onto Nb2O5 (TT) improved the capacity to 232 mA h g-1. Capacity and CO oxidation activity were related; the higher the catalytic activity Au/Nb2O5 shows, the higher is the discharging capacity. From the characterization results, Nb2O5 (TT) contains oxygen vacancies (Nb4+ sites), and the oxygen vacancies of Nb2O5 (TT) would play an important role for CO oxidation and the performance for Li-ion batteries.


Nb 2 O 5上负载的金纳米颗粒可用于低温CO氧化,并用作锂离子电池的阴极材料

我们通过溶胶-凝胶法和溶胶-凝胶水热法制备了一系列Nb 2 O 5多晶型物。通过固体研磨法制备了负载在Nb 2 O 5上的金纳米颗粒。包含无定形相的准六方(TT相)Nb 2 O 5上的Au表现出比其他Au / Nb 2 O 5多晶型物更高的CO氧化催化活性。就锂离子电池正极材料的电化学性能而言,Nb 2 O 5(TT)表现出208 mA hg -1的高容量,并且Au沉积在Nb 2 O 5上(TT)将容量提高到232 mA hg -1。容量与CO氧化活性相关;Au / Nb 2 O 5显示的催化活性越高,放电容量越高。从表征结果来看,Nb 2 O 5(TT)包含氧空位(Nb 4+位),Nb 2 O 5(TT)的氧空位将对CO氧化和锂离子电池的性能起重要作用。
