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Review of the Wedge Test and Single Curve Initiation Principle Applied to Aluminized High Explosives
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-21 , DOI: 10.1002/prep.201900300
Thomas Elia 1 , Vincent Chuzeville 1 , Gérard Baudin 1 , Marc Genetier 1 , Alexandre Lefrançois 1 , Antoine Osmont 1 , Rémi Boulanger 2

The experiments have a key role in the initiation and transition studies of solid high explosives. Detonic has forced scientist to improve their experimental approach by designing relevant set‐up and developing accurate metrological devices. For example, the wedge or pop‐plot test was developed in the 50’s and remains a legacy experiment in the characterization of high explosive. However, for 70 years, it has been widely improved, because of the accurate measurements need. This paper aims to review the main improvements performed on the pop‐plot test and analyze a series of results acquired on melt‐cast and cast‐cured high explosives. We first describe the current set‐up with its new metrological devices. Then, we discuss the results and limitations of this test.


