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Critical Review of Catalysis for Ethylene Oxychlorination
ACS Catalysis ( IF 11.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-20 , DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01698
Hongfei Ma 1 , Yalan Wang 1 , Yanying Qi 1 , Kumar R. Rout 1, 2 , De Chen 1

Ethylene oxychlorination is the key technology in vinyl chloride (VCM, the monomer of PVC, polyvinyl chloride) production to close the chlorine loop by consuming the HCl released from the former cracking step. Due to the high demand for PVC, this leads to ethylene oxychlorination being one of the most important processes in the industry. This Review covers an in-depth analysis of the dynamic nature of active sites for the main and side reactions involved in ethylene oxychlorination, featuring the findings and viewpoints from the dynamic kinetics study and analysis under industrial operating conditions. A unified picture of the mechanism of the surface reactions, and the effect of supports and promoters, has been presented based on the decoupled redox-cycle experiments, which leads to a significantly better understanding of the mechanism and provides valuable guidelines for effective catalyst design. Operando techniques and kinetic tools of the rate-diagram, as well as their application to the study of the redox-cycle in ethylene oxychlorination and kinetic models on both the main product and byproduct, are also reviewed. Perspectives on challenges and new process development and future research focus for better study of the VCM production chemistry are also proposed.


