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Role of Free Thiol on Protein Adsorption to Gold Nanoparticles.
Langmuir ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c01550
Olatunde Awotunde 1 , Samuel Okyem 1 , Rishika Chikoti 1 , Jeremy D Driskell 1

Protein–gold nanoparticle (AuNP) bioconjugates have many potential applications in nanomedicine. A thorough understanding of the interaction between the protein and the AuNP is critical to engineering these functional bioconjugates with desirable properties. In this work, we investigate the role of free thiols presented by the protein on the stability of the protein–AuNP conjugate. Human serum albumin (HSA) was modified with 2-iminothiolane (Traut’s reagent) to introduce additional thiols onto the protein surface, and three variants of HSA were synthesized to present 1, 5, and 20 free thiols by controlling the molar excess of the chemical modifier. Protein exchange studies on AuNPs were conducted using these HSA species and an IgG antibody which exhibited 10 free thiols. Antibody–AuNP conjugates were synthesized, purified, and dispersed in solutions containing each of the HSA species. No protein exchange was detected with the HSA or modified HSA containing 5 thiols; however, 85% of the antibody was displaced on the AuNP surface by the extensively thiolated HSA presenting 20 free thiols. Furthermore, the impact of the protein adsorption sequence was probed in which each of the HSA species were preadsorbed onto the AuNP and dispersed in a solution of antibody. The antibody fully displaced the HSA with a single thiol from the AuNP within 3 h, required 24 h to completely displace the modified HSA containing 5 thiols, and was unable to displace the modified HSA containing 20 thiols. These results indicate that the number of Au–S interactions governs the binding interaction between the protein and the AuNP. This work provides further insight into the protein–AuNP binding mechanism and identifies important design principles for engineered proteins to optimize bioconjugates.


