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Chemicals Weaken Shoal Preference in the Rare Minnow Gobiocypris rarus.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1002/etc.4825
Ning Qiu 1, 2 , Chunsen Xu 1, 2 , Xuzhen Wang 1 , Miaomiao Hou 1, 3 , Zhijun Xia 1, 2 , Jianwei Wang 1

Fish behavioral responses are sensitive to chemicals in the water. We tested rare minnow tested for their shoal preference, and the shoal (school) factors including nutritional status, body size, and shoal (school) size that can make their preference most stable were measured. Then shoal preference was measured again while fish and shoal were subjected to a concentration gradient of chemicals (cadmium ion [Cd2+], tricaine methanesulfonate [MS222], and p‐chloroaniline). The results showed that single rare minnow preferred shoals over blank control tanks. In addition, this preference was most stable when the shoal was well fed and contained 20 individuals 2 cm long. Although there was no significant response after exposure to p‐chloroaniline, the time spent from entering the tank to start moving decreased greatly at concentrations of Cd2+ >3 mg/L and MS222 >11 mg/L. The time the test fish spent close to the shoal significantly decreased at Cd2+ >3 mg/L, MS222 >11 mg/L, and p‐chloroaniline >10 mg/L, and the frequency of boundary line crossing increased at the same concentrations. The behavioral parameters changed by 20, 5, and 8 min once the lowest‐observed‐effect concentrations of Cd2+, MS222, and p‐chloroaniline, respectively, were added. Our study provides useful information on rare minnow shoal preference that may be used for a biological early warning system. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;39:2018–2027. © 2020 SETAC


稀有的now鱼Gobiocypris rarus中的化学品弱浅滩偏好。

鱼的行为反应对水中的化学物质敏感。我们测试了稀有的min鱼的浅滩偏爱,并测量了能够使其偏爱最稳定的浅滩(学校)因素,包括营养状况,体重和浅滩(学校)大小。然后,在鱼和浅滩经受化学物质(镉离子[Cd 2+ ],三卡因甲磺酸盐[MS222]和氯苯胺)的浓度梯度时,再次测量浅滩偏好。结果表明,与空白对照鱼缸相比,单个稀有的min鱼更喜欢浅滩。此外,当浅滩被良好喂养并包含20个2 cm长的个体时,这种偏好最为稳定。尽管接触p后没有明显反应在Cd 2+ > 3 mg / L和MS222> 11 mg / L的浓度下,氯苯胺从进入水箱开始移动所花费的时间大大减少。在Cd 2+ > 3 mg / L,MS222> 11 mg / L和氯苯胺> 10 mg / L时,待测鱼接近浅滩的时间显着减少,并且边界线交叉的频率同时增加浓度。分别添加最低观察到的Cd 2 +,MS222和氯苯胺浓度后,行为参数分别改变20、5和8分钟。我们的研究提供了有用的信息,可用于生物预警系统的稀少的now鱼浅滩偏好。环境毒性化学2020; 39:2018-2027。©2020 SETAC