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Graphene/CuO2 Nanoshuttles with Controllable Release of Oxygen Nanobubbles Promoting Interruption of Bacterial Respiration.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c05732
Marziyeh Jannesari 1 , Omid Akhavan 1, 2 , Hamid R Madaah Hosseini 1, 3 , Bita Bakhshi 4

An oxygen nanoshuttle based on a reduced graphene oxide/copper peroxide (rGO/CuO2) nanocomposite has been presented to deliver in situ oxygen nanobubbles (O2 NBs) for combating bacterial infections. In the presence of rGO, the solid source of oxygen (i.e., CuO2) was decomposed (in response to environmental conditions such as pH and temperature) into O2 NBs in a more controllable and long-lasting trend (from 60 to 144 h). In a neutral buffer, the O2 NBs experienced growth and collapse evolutions, creating a dynamic micro–nanoenvironment around the nanocomposite. In addition to effective battling against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the O2 NBs demonstrated superior antibacterial properties on Gram-positive S. aureus to those on Gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria, especially in the presence of rGO. In fact, the rGO contents could provide synergistic effects through harvesting some respiratory electrons (leading to striking interruption of the bacterial respiratory pathway) in one side and transferring them into the O2 NBs, resulting in nanoscale reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in another side. Moreover, near-infrared laser irradiation induced more damage to the cell membrane due to the synergistic effects of local heat elevation and catalyzing the release/collapse of NBs imposing mechanical disruptions. Our results show that the O2-containing nanoshuttles can effectively be used as intelligent and controllable anti-infection nanorobots in upcoming graphene-based nanobiomedical applications.


具有可控释放的氧气纳米气泡的石墨烯/ CuO2纳米梭可促进细菌呼吸的中断。

已经提出了基于还原的氧化石墨烯/过氧化铜(rGO / CuO 2)纳米复合材料的氧纳米梭,以递送原位的氧纳米气泡(O 2 NBs)来抵抗细菌感染。在存在rGO的情况下,固体氧源(即CuO 2)以可控和持久的趋势(从60到144 h )分解(响应于诸如pH和温度等环境条件)成O 2 NBs。 )。在中性缓冲液中,O 2 NB经历了生长和坍塌演化,从而在纳米复合材料周围形成了动态的微纳米环境。除了有效对抗耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌外,O 2NB的表现出对革兰氏阳性优异的抗菌性能的金黄色葡萄球菌对那些对革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌细菌,特别是在RGO的存在。实际上,rGO的含量可以通过在一侧收集一些呼吸电子(导致细菌呼吸途径的中断)并将其转移到O 2 NB中,从而在另一侧产生纳米级活性氧(ROS)产生,从而起到协同作用。侧。而且,由于局部热量升高的协同作用和催化施加机械破坏的NBs的协同作用,近红外激光辐射对细胞膜造成了更大的破坏。我们的结果表明O 2在即将到来的基于石墨烯的纳米生物医学应用中,含纳米梭可以有效地用作智能和可控的抗感染纳米机器人。