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In Situ Coating of Li7P3S11 Electrolyte on CuCo2S4/Graphene Nanocomposite as a High-Performance Cathode for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c09295
Liangting Cai 1 , Hongli Wan 1, 2 , Qiang Zhang 1, 2 , Jean Pierre Mwizerwa 1, 2 , Xiaoxiong Xu 3, 4 , Xiayin Yao 1, 2

A cathode material, CuCo2S4/graphene@10%Li7P3S11, is reported for all-solid-state lithium batteries with high performance. The electrical conductivity of CuCo2S4 is improved by compounding with graphene. Meanwhile, Li7P3S11 electrolyte is coated on the surface of CuCo2S4/graphene nanosheets to build an intimate contact interface between the solid electrolyte and the electrode effectively, facilitating lithium-ion conduction. Benefitting from the balanced and efficient electronic and ionic conductions, all-solid-state lithium batteries using CuCo2S4/graphene@10%Li7P3S11 composite as cathode materials demonstrate superior cycling stability and rate capabilities, exhibiting an initial discharge specific capacity of 1102.25 mAh g–1 at 50 mA g–1 and reversible capacity of 556.41 mAh g–1 at a high current density of 500 mA g–1 after 100 cycles. These results demonstrate that the CuCo2S4/graphene@10%Li7P3S11 nanocomposite is a promising active material for all-solid-state lithium batteries with superior performances.


Li7P3S11电解质在CuCo2S4 /石墨烯纳米复合材料上的原位涂层,作为全固态锂电池的高性能阴极。

据报道,用于高性能的全固态锂电池的正极材料为CuCo 2 S 4 / graphene @ 10%Li 7 P 3 S 11。通过与石墨烯复合来提高CuCo 2 S 4的电导率。同时,在CuCo 2 S 4的表面上涂覆了Li 7 P 3 S 11电解质。石墨烯/石墨烯纳米片可有效地在固体电解质和电极之间建立紧密的接触界面,从而促进锂离子的传导。受益于平衡和有效的电子和离子传导,使用CuCo 2 S 4 / graphene @ 10%Li 7 P 3 S 11复合材料作为阴极材料的全固态锂电池表现出优异的循环稳定性和倍率性能,表现出初始放电的1102.25毫安g的比容量-1在50mA克-1和556.41毫安克可逆容量-1处的500毫安g的高电流密度-1100个周期后。这些结果表明,CuCo 2 S 4 / graphene @ 10%Li 7 P 3 S 11纳米复合材料是一种性能优异的有前景的全固态锂电池活性材料。