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Complete mitochondrial genome and assembled DNA barcoding analysis of Lutjanus fulgens (Valenciennes, 1830) and its comparison with other Lutjanus species.
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6542
Gyamfua Afriyie 1 , Zhongduo Wang 1, 2 , Zhongdian Dong 1 , Christian Ayisi Larbi 3 , Berchie Asiedu 4 , Yusong Guo 1

Lutjanus fulgens (Valenciennes, 1830) is a teleost species classified under the family Lutjanidae which is a native of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Though highly commercialized due to its abundance and good taste, the production output has declined in recent years. This is an indication of the need for effective management and conservation measures. However, accurate species identification will ensure strategic management and conservation measure. DNA‐based species identification has proven its reliability in this regard via precise species identification. Several researchers have confirmed the accuracy of DNAbarcode as a species identification tool as well as species phylogeny analysis based on both the complete mitogenome and COI gene. Currently, nine specimens of L. fulgens were sampled from Ghana and subjected to DNA‐based analysis, namely, complete mitochondrial DNAand COI gene (DNA barcoding) analyses. The mitogenomic result revealed that L. fulgens is made up of a 16,500 base pairs (bp) mtDNA which consists of 22 transfer RNAs, 13 protein‐coding genes, and two ribosomal RNAs (GenBank Accession Number: MN398650). Furthermore, a sequence polymorphism analysis of the COI gene (MN986442–MN986450) detected two haplotypes. These haplotypes were both collected from the same fish landing site which suggests a possible cryptic linage diversity in the L. fulgens population at Vodza. According to the phylogeny examination, a close taxonomic relationship exists between L. fulgens and Lutjanus buccanella caused by a recent evolution termed as sympatric speciation. This study serves as a novel study for this species, building the foundation for future molecular‐based study for this species and as a DNA barcode reference data.


完整的线粒体基因组和组装的 DNA 条形码分析 Lutjanus fulgens (Valenciennes, 1830) 及其与其他 Lutjanus 物种的比较。

Lutjanus fulgens (Valenciennes, 1830) 是一种硬骨鱼,属于 Lutjanidae 科,原产于东大西洋。尽管由于其丰富和美味而高度商业化,但近年来产量有所下降。这表明需要采取有效的管理和保护措施。然而,准确的物种鉴定将确保战略管理和保护措施。基于 DNA 的物种鉴定通过精确的物种鉴定证明了其在这方面的可靠性。一些研究人员已经证实了 DNAbarcode 作为物种鉴定工具以及基于完整的有丝分裂基因组和COI基因的物种系统发育分析的准确性。目前,从加纳采集了9 份L. fulgens样本并进行了基于 DNA 的分析,即完整的线粒体 DNA 和COI基因(DNA 条形码)分析。线粒体基因组结果显示,L. fulgens由 16,500 个碱基对 (bp) 的线粒体 DNA 组成,其中包含 22 个转移 RNA、13 个蛋白质编码基因和两个核糖体 RNA(GenBank 登录号:MN398650)。此外, COI基因(MN986442-MN986450)的序列多态性分析检测到两种单倍型。这些单倍型都是从同一鱼类登陆地点收集的,这表明沃扎的L. fulgens种群可能存在隐秘的谱系多样性。根据系统发育检查,L. fulgensLutjanus buccanella之间存在密切的分类学关系,这是由称为同域物种形成的最近进化引起的。这项研究作为该物种的一项新颖研究,为该物种未来基于分子的研究奠定了基础,并作为 DNA 条形码参考数据。