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One-step, low-cost, mussel-inspired green method to prepare superhydrophobic nanostructured surfaces having durability, efficiency, and wide applicability.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.07.027
Jin Zhang 1 , Jianguo Zhao 1 , Wenshan Qu 1 , Xinyu Li 1 , Zhenxing Wang 2

Various oils discharged from daily life and industrial production, as well as frequent oil spillages, have led to severe water pollution and ecological problems. Mussel-inspired polydopamine has been widely applied for fabrication of superhydrophobic materials for oil/water separation. However, the need of additional nanoparticles via tedious steps to construct nanostructures, and the high cost of dopamine itself limit its practical applications. Moreover, the application modes of superhydrophobic materials for oil/water separation are monotonous, which will limit the applied range of the superhydrophobic materials. For example, superhydrophobic sponge was usually used for adsorbing oil droplets or oil spills from water, while superhydrophobic fabric or mesh was usually used for separating bulk layered oil/water mixture. Therefore, developing simple and low-cost mussel-inspired surface modification strategy toward superhydrophobic materials, as well as diverse application modes for oil/water separation, is still highly desired. In this study, superhydrophobic sponge and fabric with nanostructures, which exhibits excellent performance for diverse oil/water separation, have been fabricated through a novel one-step and cost-effective mussel-inspired approach. The resultant superhydrophobic sponge exhibits outstanding oil absorption capability (weight gains up to 8860%), while the superhydrophobic fabric can effectively separate oil/water mixture. Moreover, diverse modes for oil/water separation have been developed for the first time. For example, water-in-oil emulsion can be highly-efficient separated by a compressed superhydrophobic sponge (~1800L m-2h−1 bar−1 for water-in-oil emulsion, and above 99% rejection rate for water droplets), while crude oil spills can be efficiently collected by a superhydrophobic boat (above 98%).



日常生活和工业生产中排放的各种机油以及频繁的漏油,已导致严重的水污染和生态问题。受贻贝启发的聚多巴胺已广泛用于制造用于油/水分离的超疏水材料。但是,需要通过构建纳米结构的繁琐步骤以及多巴胺本身的高成本限制了其实际应用。而且,超疏水材料在油水分离中的应用方式是单调的,这将限制超疏水材料的应用范围。例如,超疏水性海绵通常用于从水中吸附油滴或溢油,而超疏水性织物或筛网通常用于分离散装的分层油/水混合物。因此,仍然非常需要开发一种针对超疏水材料的简单且低成本的贻贝启发性表面改性策略,以及用于油/水分离的多种应用模式。在这项研究中,具有纳米结构的超疏水海绵和织物在各种油/水分离方面均表现出出色的性能,通过新颖的一步式,经济高效的贻贝启发方法制造而成。所得的超疏水性海绵具有出色的吸油能力(重量增加高达8860%),而超疏水性织物则可以有效分离油/水混合物。此外,首次开发出用于油/水分离的多种模式。例如,油性水乳液可以通过压缩的超疏水海绵(约1800L m对于油包水乳剂为-2 h -1 bar -1,对于水滴的排斥率高于99%),而溢油可以通过超疏水船(98%以上)有效地收集。
