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Rye secalin characterisation and use to improve zein‐based film performance
International Journal of Food Science & Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14718
Zeinab Qazanfarzadeh 1 , Mahdi Kadivar 1 , Hajar Shekarchizadeh 1 , Raffaele Porta 2

Rye prolamins (secalin) were extracted, characterised and used as biopolymer source to produce plasticised films, as well as composite films in the presence of corn zein. Secalin film showed lower contact angle values and higher moisture content, solubility and swelling index than zein film, whereas the water vapour permeability of the two films was not different. Also, secalin film exhibited lower tensile strength and Young’s modulus and higher elongation at break. The average functional properties of the secalin/zein blend were morphologically confirmed by SEM analysis of the composite film surface that showed a good miscibility and compatibility of the two different biopolymers. These results indicated that secalin films were less hydrophobic and more flexible than those previously prepared by using other prolamins, whereas a material with hydrophobic features similar to those of zein films and a flexibility comparable to that exhibited by secalin films was obtained by preparing a secalin/zein blend.



提取黑麦醇溶蛋白(secalin),对其进行表征,并用作生物聚合物来源,以生产增塑膜以及在玉米醇溶蛋白存在下的复合膜。角cal胶膜的玉米角膜具有比玉米蛋白膜更低的接触角值和更高的水分含量,溶解度和溶胀指数,而两种膜的水蒸气透过率没有差异。此外,沙卡林膜表现出较低的拉伸强度和杨氏模量以及较高的断裂伸长率。secalin /玉米醇溶蛋白混合物的平均功能特性通过复合膜表面的SEM分析在形态上得到证实,该复合膜表面显示出两种不同生物聚合物的良好混溶性和相容性。这些结果表明,secalin膜的疏水性和柔韧性比以前使用其他醇溶蛋白制备的膜低,