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Targeted Degradation of Oncogenic KRASG12C by VHL-Recruiting PROTACs.
ACS Central Science ( IF 12.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00411
Michael J Bond 1 , Ling Chu 2 , Dhanusha A Nalawansha 2 , Ke Li 2 , Craig M Crews 1, 2, 3

KRAS is mutated in ∼20% of human cancers and is one of the most sought-after targets for pharmacological modulation, despite having historically been considered “undruggable.” The discovery of potent covalent inhibitors of the KRASG12C mutant in recent years has sparked a new wave of interest in small molecules targeting KRAS. While these inhibitors have shown promise in the clinic, we wanted to explore PROTAC-mediated degradation as a complementary strategy to modulate mutant KRAS. Herein, we report the development of LC-2, the first PROTAC capable of degrading endogenous KRASG12C. LC-2 covalently binds KRASG12C with a MRTX849 warhead and recruits the E3 ligase VHL, inducing rapid and sustained KRASG12C degradation leading to suppression of MAPK signaling in both homozygous and heterozygous KRASG12C cell lines. LC-2 demonstrates that PROTAC-mediated degradation is a viable option for attenuating oncogenic KRAS levels and downstream signaling in cancer cells.



KRAS在约20%的人类癌症中发生了突变,尽管历史上一直被认为是“不可治疗的”,但它却是药理学调节中最受欢迎的靶标之一。近年来,KRAS G12C突变体有效的共价抑制剂的发现引发了针对KRAS的小分子的新一波热潮。尽管这些抑制剂已在临床上显示出希望,但我们希望探索PROTAC介导的降解,作为调节突变KRAS的补充策略。在此,我们报告了LC-2的发展,LC-2是第一个能够降解内源性KRAS G12C的PROTAC。LC-2与MRTX849战斗部共价结合KRAS G12C并募集E3连接酶VHL,诱导快速持续的KRAS G12C降解导致纯合和杂合KRAS G12C细胞系中MAPK信号的抑制。LC-2表明,PROTAC介导的降解是减弱癌细胞中致癌KRAS水平和下游信号传导的可行选择。