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Band Gap Engineering in NaBiO3·2H2O/NaBiO3·xH2O Heterostructures for High Photoelectronic Response
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03299
X. S. Liu 1 , Z. T. Shen 1 , F. J. Wang 1 , G. Q. Li 1 , M. Y. Wang 1 , X. K. Hao 1 , W. F. Zhang 1

High photoelectronic response with a broad spectral range in photoelectric materials is of great importance for photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications. However, the existing photoelectric materials, such as TiO2 and α-Fe2O3, exhibit only high photoelectronic response or only broad spectral response because of the wide band gap limitation of light absorbance or low photogenerated charge separation efficiency. Here, we report NaBiO3·2H2O annealed at a given temperature to form NaBiO3·2H2O/NaBiO3·xH2O heterostructures, which efficiently drives the photogenerated charge separation in a broad spectral range. The best performance of the wide photoelectronic response and high surface photovoltage was obtained in the sample annealed at 130 °C. The high surface photovoltage with a wide spectral range is attributed to the band gap engineering of NaBiO3·2H2O/NaBiO3·xH2O heterostructures for efficient photogenerated charge separation. These findings regarding the use of optimized NaBiO3·2H2O/NaBiO3·xH2O heterostructures suggest that fine-tuning the heterostructure of the photoelectric materials is an effective approach for improving the photoelectrical performance in optoelectronic applications.


NaBiO 3 ·2H 2 O / NaBiO 3 · x H 2 O异质结构中的带隙工程用于高光电响应

光电材料中具有宽光谱范围的高光电响应对于光伏和光催化应用非常重要。然而,现有的光电材料,如TiO 2和的α-Fe 2 ö 3,仅显示高光电响应或者因为光吸收或低光生电荷的分离效率的宽带隙限制的只宽光谱响应。这里,我们报告NABIO 3 ·2H 2 ö退火在一给定温度下形成NABIO 3 ·2H 2 O / NABIO 3 · X ^ h 2O异质结构,可有效地驱动宽光谱范围内的光生电荷分离。在130°C退火的样品中,获得了宽光电响应和高表面光电压的最佳性能。具有宽光谱范围的高表面光电压归因于NaBiO 3 ·2H 2 O / NaBiO 3 · x H 2 O异质结构的带隙工程,可以有效地进行光生电荷分离。这些发现与使用优化的NaBiO 3 ·2H 2 O / NaBiO 3 · x H 2有关O异质结构表明,微调光电材料的异质结构是提高光电应用中光电性能的有效方法。