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Serious Explosion during Large-Scale Preparation of an Amine by Alane (AlH3) Reduction of a Nitrile Bearing a CF3 Group
ACS Chemical Health & Safety ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-08 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chas.0c00045
Ilya V. Taydakov 1

Here, we wish to report a serious explosion during large-scale preparation of an amine by alane (AlH3) reduction of a nitrile bearing a CF3 group. The accident took place during the reduction of a 1 mol batch of 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carbonitrile. At the stage of decomposition of the reaction mixture after reduction with MeOH, the reactor was destroyed by detonation; one researcher was seriously harmed by shatters and burnt by flames. This Case Study describes this incident in detail and discusses how we can prevent similar incidents.


Alane(AlH 3)还原带有CF 3基团的腈的大规模制备胺的过程中发生严重爆炸

在此,我们希望报告在通过烷烃(AlH 3)还原带有CF 3基团的腈大规模制备胺的过程中发生严重爆炸。事故发生在还原1摩尔批次的1-甲基-3-(三氟甲基)-1 H-吡唑-5-腈的过程中。在用MeOH还原后,在反应混合物的分解阶段,通过爆轰破坏反应器。一位研究员因摔碎和被火焰烧伤而受到严重伤害。本案例研究详细描述了此事件,并讨论了如何预防类似事件。