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Forensic Analysis of Commercial Inks by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).
Sensors ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-04 , DOI: 10.3390/s20133744
Flavio Cicconi 1 , Violeta Lazic 2 , Antonio Palucci 2 , Ana Cristina Almeida Assis 3 , Francesco Saverio Romolo 4

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was tested for all of the relevant issues in forensic examinations of commercial inks, including classification of pen inks on one paper type and on different paper types, determination of the deposition order of layered inks, and analysis of signatures and toners on one questioned document. The scope of this work was to determine the potential of a single LIBS setup that is compatible with portable instruments for different types of ink analysis, rather than building a very large database for inks and papers. We identified up to seven metals characteristic for the examined inks, which allowed to fully discriminate all eight black inks on one type of printing paper. When the inks were tested on ten different papers, the correct classification rates for some of them were reduced for reasons thoroughly studied and explained. The replicated tests on three crossing points, each one involving a pair of blue or black inks, were successful in five cases out of six. In the test simulating documents of forensic interest (questioned documents), LIBS was able to correctly identify the differences in three inks used for signatures on one of the three pages and the use of different printing inks on each page of the document.


