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Voluntary pursuit of negatively valenced stimuli from childhood to early adulthood
Developmental Science ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1111/desc.13012
Katherine A Grisanzio 1 , Stephanie F Sasse 1 , Erik C Nook 1 , Hilary K Lambert 1 , Katie A McLaughlin 1 , Leah H Somerville 1

Although common sense suggests that we are motivated to pursue positive and avoid negative experiences, previous research shows that people regularly seek out negative experiences. In the current study, we characterized this tendency from childhood to young adulthood. Due to the known increases in risky behavior and sensation seeking in adolescence, we hypothesized that adolescents would show an increased engagement with negatively valenced stimuli compared to children and adults. Participants aged 4–25 (N = 192) completed a behavioral task assessing motivation to engage with negative, positive, and neutral images. On each trial, participants viewed two small images and selected one to view at a larger size for up to 10s. Trials were organized into three valence conditions: negative versus positive images (matched on arousal), negative versus neutral images, and positive versus neutral images. Although participants chose positive images more than neutral or negative images, participants selected negative images frequently, even when given a positive (28% of trials) or neutral (42% of trials) alternative. Contrary to expectations, the tendency to choose negative images was highest in early childhood and decreased linearly with increasing age, and the tendency to choose positive images increased linearly with age. These results provide insight into how motivation to engage with emotional stimuli varies across age. It is possible that the novelty and rarity of negative experiences drives children to pursue these stimuli. Alternatively, children may find negative images less aversive, which would caution against assuming that these stimuli elicit the same motivational states in individuals of all ages.



尽管常识表明我们有动力去追求积极的经历并避免消极的经历,但之前的研究表明人们经常寻求消极的经历。在当前的研究中,我们描述了从童年到成年早期的这种趋势。由于已知青春期危险行为和感觉寻求的增加,我们假设与儿童和成人相比,青少年会表现出更多的负价刺激。4-25 岁的参与者 ( N  = 192) 完成了一项行为任务,评估参与消极、积极和中性图像的动机。在每次试验中,参与者观看两张小图像,并选择一张以较大尺寸观看长达 10 秒。试验分为三种价态:阴性与阳性图像(与唤醒相匹配)、阴性与中性图像以及阳性与中性图像。尽管参与者选择正面图像多于中性或负面图像,但参与者经常选择负面图像,即使给出正面(28% 的试验)或中性(42% 的试验)替代图像。与预期相反,选择负面形象的倾向在幼儿期最高,并随着年龄的增长而线性下降,而选择正面形象的倾向则随着年龄的增长而线性增加。这些结果让我们深入了解参与情绪刺激的动机如何随年龄的变化而变化。负面经历的新颖性和罕见性可能会驱使孩子去追求这些刺激。或者,孩子们可能会发现负面图像不那么令人厌恶,这会提醒人们不要假设这些刺激会在所有年龄段的人中引发相同的动机状态。