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Promoted Deposition of Three-Dimensional Li2S on Catalytic Co Phthalocyanine Nanorods for Stable High-Loading Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c08027
Xiao-Xia Yang 1 , Xu-Ting Li 1 , Chang-Feng Zhao 1 , Zhang-Hua Fu 1 , Qing-Shuai Zhang 1 , Cheng Hu 1

The sulfur redox in Li–S batteries involves a complex sequence of solid–liquid–solid conversions, and reaction catalysis has recently become a focused area for further advancement. The deposition of solid Li2S from liquid Li2S4 contributes to three-quarters of the total theoretical capacity and is therefore of great significance over the entire cathode reaction. This study demonstrates a cathode material composed of carbon nanofibers decorated with catalytic Co phthalocyanine nanorods (CoPc@CNF), which are highly effective in promoting the deposition of Li2S in three-dimensional (3D) fine particles rather than 2D thin films. This significantly alleviates cathode passivation during cell charge and discharge, leading to obviously improved sulfur utilization and cycling stability for high loading cathodes. DFT calculations indicate that the promoted 3D deposition of Li2S is related to the facilitated migration of deposition precursors (Li2S4 and Li-ions) to migrate on the CoPc nanorods. Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) pouch cells were prepared with high specific (954 mAh g–1), areal (4.8 mAh cm–2), and total (235 mAh) capacities achieved at 0.5 C under high sulfur content. As metal phthalocyanines possess a high structural variability, this study provides opportunities to the design of a new class of Li–S cathode materials.



Li-S电池中的硫氧化还原涉及一系列复杂的固-液-固转化,最近反应催化已成为进一步发展的重点领域。固态Li 2 S从液态Li 2 S 4的沉积占总理论容量的四分之三,因此在整个阴极反应中具有重要意义。这项研究表明,阴极材料由装饰有催化钴酞菁纳米棒(CoPc @ CNF)的碳纳米纤维组成,对促进Li 2的沉积非常有效。三维(3D)微粒而不是2D薄膜中的S。这显着减轻了电池充放电期间的阴极钝化,从而明显提高了高负荷阴极的硫利用率和循环稳定性。DFT计算表明,Li 2 S的3D沉积促进与沉积前体(Li 2 S 4和Li离子)在CoPc纳米棒上迁移的促进迁移有关。锂硫(Li–S)袋式电池的制备具有较高的比表面积(954 mAh g –1),面积比(4.8 mAh cm –2)),并在高硫含量下于0.5 C达到总容量(235 mAh)。由于金属酞菁具有较高的结构变异性,因此本研究为新型Li-S阴极材料的设计提供了机会。