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Unraveling the mystery of the glacier bear: Genetic population structure of black bears (Ursus americanus) within the range of a rare pelage type.
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6490
Tania Lewis 1 , Gretchen Roffler 2 , Anthony Crupi 2 , Ramona Maraj 3 , Neil Barten 4

Glacier bears are a rare grey color morph of American black bear (Ursus americanus ) found only in northern Southeast Alaska and a small portion of western Canada. We examine contemporary genetic population structure of black bears within the geographic extent of glacier bears and explore how this structure relates to pelage color and landscape features of a recently glaciated and highly fragmented landscape. We used existing radiocollar data to quantify black bear home‐range size within the geographic range of glacier bears. The mean home‐range size of female black bears in the study area was 13 km2 (n  = 11), whereas the home range of a single male was 86.9 km2. We genotyped 284 bears using 21 microsatellites extracted from noninvasively collected hair as well as tissue samples from harvested bears. We found ten populations of black bears in the study area, including several new populations not previously identified, divided largely by geographic features such as glaciers and marine fjords. Glacier bears were assigned to four populations found on the north and east side of Lynn Canal and the north and west side of Glacier Bay with a curious absence in the nonglaciated peninsula between. Lack of genetic relatedness and geographic continuity between black bear populations containing glacier bears suggest a possible unsampled population or an association with ice fields. Further investigation is needed to determine the genetic basis and the adaptive and evolutionary significance of the glacier bear color morph to help focus black bear conservation management to maximize and preserve genetic diversity.


揭开冰川熊之谜:稀有毛皮类型范围内黑熊(Ursus americanus)的遗传种群结构。

冰川熊是美洲黑熊( Ursus americanus )的一种罕见的灰色变种,仅在阿拉斯加东南部北部和加拿大西部的一小部分地区发现。我们研究了冰川熊地理范围内黑熊的当代遗传种群结构,并探讨了这种结构与最近冰川化和高度破碎的景观的皮毛颜色和景观特征之间的关系。我们使用现有的无线电项圈数据来量化冰川熊地理范围内黑熊的活动范围大小。研究区域内雌性黑熊的平均活动范​​围为 13 km 2 ( n = 11),而单个雄性黑熊的活动范围为 86.9 km 2 。我们使用从非侵入性采集的毛发以及收获的熊的组织样本中提取的 21 个微卫星对 284 只熊进行了基因分型。我们在研究区域发现了十个黑熊种群,其中包括几个之前未发现的新种群,主要按冰川和海洋峡湾等地理特征划分。冰川熊被分配到在林恩运河北侧和东侧以及冰川湾北侧和西侧发现的四个种群,但奇怪的是,在其间的非冰川半岛却没有发现。包含冰川熊的黑熊种群之间缺乏遗传相关性和地理连续性,这表明可能存在未采样的种群或与冰原有关。需要进一步的研究来确定冰川熊颜色变形的遗传基础以及适应性和进化意义,以帮助集中黑熊保护管理,以最大限度地发挥和保​​护遗传多样性。