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Phosphoramidite Ligands Based on Simple 1,2‐Diols: Synthesis, Use in Copper‐Catalyzed Asymmetric Additions, and Achirotopic Stereogenic Phosphorus Centres
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-12 , DOI: 10.1002/adsc.201600368
Nisha Mistry 1 , Stephen P. Fletcher 1

Phosphoramidite ligands are widely used in catalysis and normally constructed from large C2‐symmetrical diols such as BINOL or TADDOL. We report here on new ligands based on a set of simple diols that had been previously overlooked. Ligands based on (S,S)‐trans‐cyclohexanediol and (R,R)‐(+)‐1,2‐diphenyl‐1,2‐ethanediol, in combination with both chiral and achiral amines, were tested in 3 different copper‐catalyzed asymmetric reactions and up to 89% ee was observed. A different ligand gave the best results in each reaction examined. Using mesocis‐cyclohexanediol and meso‐cis‐diphenyl‐1,2‐ethanediol with a chiral non‐racemic amine gave diastereomeric ligands bearing achirotopic stereogenic phosphorus atoms which were characterized with the assistance of X‐ray crystallography and variable temperature NMR studies. This work provides a new set of ligands that may be useful in some asymmetric reactions when phosphoramidites based on BINOL and TADDOL are ineffective. We also identify a novel stereochemical feature of phosphoramidites that may be useful in asymmetric catalysis and ligand design.



亚磷酰胺配体广泛用于催化中,通常由大型C 2对称二醇(如BINOL或TADDOL)构成。我们在此报告基于一组先前被忽略的简单二醇的新配体。在3种不同的铜中测试了基于(S,S)--环己二醇和(R,R)-(+)-1,2-二苯基-1,2-乙二醇的配体与手性和非手性胺的组合观察到高达89%ee的催化不对称反应。在所检查的每个反应中,不同的配体都能获得最佳结果。使用中观-顺式-环己二醇和中观顺二苯基1,2-乙二醇与手性非外消旋胺形成的非对映异构体配体具有非立体异构立体磷原子,可通过X射线晶体学和可变温度NMR研究对其进行表征。这项工作提供了一组新的配体,当基于BINOL和TADDOL的亚磷酰胺无效时,这些配体可用于某些不对称反应。我们还确定了亚磷酰胺的新型立体化学特征,可用于不对称催化和配体设计。