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Cx31.1 expression is modulated in HaCaT cells exposed to UV-induced damage and scrape-wounding.
Journal of Cellular Physiology ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-27 , DOI: 10.1002/jcp.29901
Louise Nugent 1 , Boatemaa Ofori-Frimpong 1 , Patricia E Martin 1 , Colin R Green 2 , Catherine S Wright 1

Connexin31.1 (Cx31.1) is a gap junction protein associated with apoptosis. In the skin, apoptosis is modulated by diabetes. A HaCaT skin model investigated whether normal (NGI) and high glucose and insulin (HGI; diabetic) conditions altered Cx31.1 expression, and if these were apoptosis linked. Cx31.1 was found in HaCaT and HeLa Ohio cells, with HaCaT Cx31.1 protein increased in HGI conditions, and around apoptotic cells. HeLa Cx31.1 channels were noncommunicative. Post scrape‐wounding, Cx31.1 increased at wound edges. Caspase 3/7 in scrape‐wounds media (containing cells) elevated in HGI. UV exposure raised Cx31.1, and caspase 3/7, in NGI and HGI. UV reduced cell viability in NGI cells, although not significantly in HGI. Cx31.1 is modulated during HaCaT cell wound closure, and associated with ‘diabetic’ conditions. Cx31.1 expression matched apoptosis levels, higher in HGI cultures. Cx31.1 is noncommunicating, modulated after wounding, linked to apoptosis, and may be associated with tissue turn‐over around diabetic wounds.


在暴露于紫外线诱导的损伤和擦伤的 HaCaT 细胞中,Cx31.1 的表达受到调节。

Connexin31.1 (Cx31.1) 是一种与细胞凋亡相关的间隙连接蛋白。在皮肤中,细胞凋亡受糖尿病调节。HaCaT 皮肤模型研究了正常 (NGI) 和高葡萄糖和胰岛素 (HGI;糖尿病) 条件是否改变了 Cx31.1 表达,以及这些是否与细胞凋亡相关。在 HaCaT 和 HeLa Ohio 细胞中发现了 Cx31.1,HaCaT Cx31.1 蛋白在 HGI 条件下和凋亡细胞周围增加。HeLa Cx31.1 通道无法交流。刮伤后,Cx31.1 在伤口边缘增加。刮伤培养基(含有细胞)中的半胱天冬酶 3/7 在 HGI 中升高。紫外线照射提高了 NGI 和 HGI 中的 Cx31.1 和 caspase 3/7。UV 降低了 NGI 细胞中的细胞活力,但在 HGI 中并不显着。Cx31.1 在 HaCaT 细胞伤口闭合过程中受到调节,并与“糖尿病”状况相关。Cx31。1 表达与细胞凋亡水平相匹配,在 HGI 培养物中更高。Cx31.1 是非交流的,在受伤后被调节,与细胞凋亡有关,并且可能与糖尿病伤口周围的组织周转有关。