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The influence of dissolved oxygen around rice roots on salt tolerance during pre-tillering and tillering phases
Environmental and Experimental Botany ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2020.104169
Lineker de Sousa Lopes , Humberto Henrique de Carvalho , Rafael de Souza Miranda , Maria Izabel Gallão , Enéas Gomes-Filho

Abstract Rice is a strategic crop that has a high tolerance to hypoxia compared to other species. Our purpose was to investigate the salinity-acclimation mechanisms in rice plants triggered by hypoxia in the nutrient solution. So, the development of radial O2-loss barriers and physiological and biochemical responses against salinity were evaluated in rice plants (cv. SCSBRS 113) grown under saline stress and subjected to different levels of dissolved oxygen around of root in the pre-tillering and tillering phases. Our results reported an interaction between hypoxia and salinity treatments. Salinity acted as a much harsher pressure than severe hypoxia, particularly in the pre-tillering stage. However, severe hypoxia was able to aggravate the physiological stress imposed by salinity in the tillering stage, and combination with salinity contributed to a reduction of Ca2+ and K+ content. Besides, the radial O2-loss barrier did not reduce the influx or efflux of water and ions. It also was unrelated to a root shortening and decreased relative water content in leaves. The hypoxia attenuation did not contribute much to the better growth and development of rice plants, and the radial O2-loss barriers did not confer salinity tolerance by hindering Na+ and Cl− uptake.



摘要 水稻是一种战略性作物,与其他物种相比,具有较高的耐缺氧性。我们的目的是研究由营养液中缺氧引发的水稻盐度适应机制。因此,在盐胁迫下生长的水稻植物(栽培品种 SCSBRS 113)评估了径向 O2 损失屏障的发展以及对盐分的生理和生化反应,并在分蘖前和分蘖过程中根部周围受到不同水平的溶解氧阶段。我们的结果报告了缺氧和盐度处理之间的相互作用。与严重缺氧相比,盐度的压力要大得多,尤其是在分蘖前阶段。然而,严重缺氧会加剧分蘖期盐分造成的生理应激,和盐度的结合有助于降低 Ca2+ 和 K+ 的含量。此外,径向 O2 损失屏障并没有减少水和离子的流入或流出。它也与根缩短和叶片中相对含水量降低无关。缺氧衰减对水稻植株更好的生长和发育没有多大贡献,径向 O2 损失屏障没有通过阻碍 Na+ 和 Cl- 吸收来赋予耐盐性。