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Impact of unhealthy lifestyle on cardiorespiratory fitness and heart rate recovery of medical science students.
BMC Public Health ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09154-x
Lampson M Fan 1, 2 , Adam Collins 2 , Li Geng 2, 3 , Jian-Mei Li 2, 3

Medical science students represent valuable labour resources for better future medicine and medical technology. However, little attention was given to the health and well-being of these early career medical science professionals. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of lifestyle components on cardiorespiratory fitness and heart rate recovery measured after moderate exercise in this population. Volunteers without documented medical condition were recruited randomly and continuously from the first-year medical science students during 2011–2014 at the University of Surrey, UK. Demographics and lifestyle components (the levels of smoking, alcohol intake, exercise, weekend outdoor activity and screen-time, daily sleep period, and self-assessment of fitness) were gathered through pre-exercise questionnaire. Cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) and heart rate recovery were determined using Åstrand–Rhyming submaximal cycle ergometry test. Data were analysed using SPSS version 25. Among 614 volunteers, 124 had completed both lifestyle questionnaire and the fitness test and were included for this study. Within 124 participants (20.6 ± 4 years), 46.8% were male and 53.2% were female, 11.3% were overweight and 8.9% were underweight, 8.9% were current smokers and 33.1% consumed alcohol beyond the UK recommendation. There were 34.7% of participants admitted to have < 3 h/week of moderate physical activity assessed according to UK Government National Physical Activity Guidelines and physically not fit (feeling tiredness). Fitness test showed that VO2max distribution was inversely associated with heart rate recovery at 3 min and both values were significantly correlated with the levels of exercise, self-assessed fitness and BMI. Participants who had < 3 h/week exercise, or felt not fit or were overweight had significantly lower VO2max and heart rate recovery than their peers. One in three new medical science students were physically inactive along with compromised cardiorespiratory fitness and heart rate recovery, which put them at risk of cardiometabolic diseases. Promoting healthy lifestyle at the beginning of career is crucial in keeping medical science professionals healthy.



医学专业的学生代表着宝贵的劳动力资源,可以用于更好的未来医学和医疗技术。但是,这些早期医学专业人士的健康和福祉却很少受到关注。这项研究的目的是调查适度运动后该人群中生活方式组分对心肺健康和心率恢复的影响。在2011年至2014年期间,从英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)连续不断地从医学专业的一年级学生中招募没有医学证明的志愿者。通过运动前调查表收集人口统计学和生活方式组成部分(吸烟,饮酒,运动,周末户外活动和放映时间,每天的睡眠时间以及身体自我评估)。使用Åstrand–Rhyming次最大循环测功测验确定心肺适应性(VO2max)和心率恢复。使用SPSS 25版对数据进行分析。在614名志愿者中,有124名完成了生活方式问卷调查和体能测试,并包括在本研究中。在124名参与者(20.6±4岁)中,男性超过46.8%,女性占53.2%,超重11.3%,体重不足8.9%,当前吸烟者为8.9%,超出英国建议的饮酒量为33.1%。根据英国政府国家体育锻炼指南,有34.7%的参与者被承认具有<3小时/周的中等强度体育锻炼,并且身体不健康(感到疲倦)。体能测试显示,最大摄氧量分布与3分钟心率恢复呈负相关,并且两个值均与运动水平,自我评估的体能和BMI显着相关。每周运动少于3小时,或者感到不健康或超重的参与者的VO2max和心率恢复力明显低于同龄人。三分之一的新医学专业学生缺乏体育锻炼,心肺功能适应能力和心率恢复受损,这使他们有患心血管疾病的风险。在职业开始时提倡健康的生活方式对于保持医学专业人士的健康至关重要。或感觉不健康或超重,其最大摄氧量和心率恢复率明显低于同龄人。每三名新的医学专业学生身体不活动,心肺功能适应能力和心率恢复受损,这使他们有患心血管疾病的风险。在职业开始时提倡健康的生活方式对于保持医学专业人士的健康至关重要。或感觉不健康或超重,其最大摄氧量和心率恢复率明显低于同龄人。三分之一的新医学专业学生缺乏体育锻炼,心肺功能适应性和心率恢复受损,这使他们有患心血管疾病的风险。在职业开始时提倡健康的生活方式对于保持医学专业人士的健康至关重要。