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Mitochondria-Targeting Organic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photodynamic/Photothermal Therapy.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c06144
Chaonan Li 1, 2 , Wei Zhang 1 , Shi Liu 1 , Xiuli Hu 1 , Zhigang Xie 1, 2

Organelle-targeting techniques have been proved to be promising approaches for enhanced cancer treatment, especially phototherapy, because it can greatly improve the efficiency of photosensitizers. In this work, we designed and synthesized a mitochondria-targeting diketopyrrolopyrrole-based photosensitizer (DPP2+) for synergistic photodynamic/photothermal therapy upon irradiation. The obtained mitochondria-targeting nanoparticles (DPP2+ NPs) could produce thermal energy and singlet oxygen under 635 nm laser irradiation with ideal cytocompatibility. Importantly, DPP2+ NPs are more likely to enter the cells and target mitochondria. In in vitro and in vivo antitumor experiments, DPP2+ NPs showed highly effective antitumor effects, suggesting that mitochondria-targeting photosensitizers have potential for cancer treatment. The present work provides an alternative strategy to mitochondria-targeting molecular engineering and highlights the potential of organic nanomaterials in biomedical fields and cancer treatment.



细胞器靶向技术已被证明是增强癌症治疗,尤其是光疗的有前途的方法,因为它可以大大提高光敏剂的效率。在这项工作中,我们设计并合成了针对线粒体的以二酮吡咯并吡咯为基的光敏剂(DPP2 +),以在照射时进行协同光动力/光热疗法。获得的靶向线粒体的纳米粒子(DPP2 + NPs)在635 nm激光辐照下可以产生热能和单线态氧,具有理想的细胞相容性。重要的是,DPP2 + NP更有可能进入细胞并靶向线粒体。在体外和体内抗肿瘤实验中,DPP2 + NPs表现出高度有效的抗肿瘤作用,表明靶向线粒体的光敏剂具有治疗癌症的潜力。