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New Access to the Synthesis of 1,1,4,4-Tetracyanobuta-1,3-Diene-Based Push–pull Chromophores Using Tetracyanoethylene Oxide via [3+2] Cycloaddition-Ring Opening Reactions
ChemRxiv Pub Date : 2020-06-18 , DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.12493757.v1
Arif Hassan Dar , Vijayendran Gowri , Neethu K M , Govindasamy Jayamurugan 1

Herein we report a new way to access the synthesis of established invaluable push–pull chromophores based on 1,1,4,4-tetracyanobuta-1,3-dienes (TCBDs) using tetracyanoethylene oxide (TCNEO) upon reaction with alkynes substituted with an electron-donating group (EDG) via [3+2] cycloaddition (CA) followed by ring-opening (RO) reactions. Further, we uncovered that the facile [3+2] CA–RO reaction under simpler reaction condition is possible due to the presence of EDG group, otherwise, even the formation of [3+2] cycloadduct without EDG requires harsher condition and does not lead to TCBD as reported earlier in 1965 by Linn and Benson.


通过三[2 + 2]环加成环的开环反应,使用四甲基环氧乙烷合成基于1,1,4,4-Tetracyanobuta-1,3-Diene的推挽发色团的新途径

本文中,我们报告了一种新方法,可通过与四氢呋喃取代的炔烃反应使用四氰基环氧乙烷(TCNEO)来合成基于1,1,4,4-tetracyanobuta-1,3-dienes(TCBDs)的已建立的宝贵推挽发色团。电子给体基团(EDG)通过[3 + 2]环加成(CA),然后进行开环(RO)反应。此外,我们发现由于存在EDG基团,在较简单的反应条件下可能容易进行[3 + 2] CA-RO反应,否则,即使没有EDG的[3 + 2]环加合物的形成也需要较苛刻的条件,因此Linn和Benson于1965年早些时候报道说,导致了TCBD。