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Experimental Fluid Dynamics Study of a New Fractal Dual-Flow Tray
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c00509
Michel Brondani 1 , Flávio Dias Mayer 1 , Ronaldo Hoffmann 1 , Maria G. Rasteiro 2

Countercurrent flow in conventional dual-flow trays results in segregation in liquid and vapor flow, reducing tray efficiency. Therefore, a new dual-flow tray with fractal geometry was experimentally investigated. Air and water were used as vapor and liquid models. Flow regime and fluid dynamics parameters such as dry (ΔPd) and wet (ΔPw) tray pressure drop, froth height (H), clear liquid height (hCL), and froth porosity (ε) were evaluated. The results showed a lower and a more stable ΔPw in the fractal tray with a smaller hole diameter compared to the conventional tray when Fs ranged from 0.59 to 1.04. Fluid dynamics parameters such as H, hCL, and ε were similar between the fractal tray with a smaller hole diameter and the conventional tray for capacity factor (Fs) values from 0.68 to 1.04 and for all values of liquid flow rate (QL). Fractal geometry provided a more stable liquid and vapor flow through the alternating formation of high and low pressure microzones.



常规双流塔板中的逆流会导致液体和蒸汽流分离,从而降低塔板效率。因此,对具有分形几何形状的新型双流塔盘进行了实验研究。空气和水被用作蒸气和液体模型。评估了流态和流体动力学参数,例如干盘(ΔP d)和湿盘(ΔP w)的压降,泡沫高度(H),净液高度(h CL)和泡沫孔隙率(ε)。结果表明,与传统托盘相比,当F s时,具有较小孔径的分形托盘的ΔP w更低且更稳定范围从0.59到1.04。孔直径较小的分形塔板与传统塔板的流体动力学参数如Hh CL和ε相似,容量系数(F s)值在0.68至1.04之间,液体流量的所有值(Q L)。分形几何形状通过高压和低压微区的交替形成提供了更稳定的液体和蒸气流。