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Shock-induced olivine-ringwoodite and plagioclase-maskelynite transformations in Bursa L6 chondrite: A Raman and ATR-FTIR spectroscopic study.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.118590
O Unsalan 1 , C Altunayar-Unsalan 2

Olivine–ringwoodite and plagioclase–maskelynite transformation mechanisms in the Bursa L6 chondrite were determined by Raman and Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR)–Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic techniques. Forsterite composition was estimated to be 75% by using Raman and IR correlation data. Possible high impact shock pressure for Bursa meteorite was found to be at least 64.9 GPa. Besides, based on the olivine doublet (820 and 852 cm−1) and Full Width at Half Maximum data (~20 and ~60 cm−1, respectively) for maskelynite (509 and 580 cm−1) observed in the Raman spectrum, we assigned the shock stage of this meteorite as at least S5, for the first time. Moreover, previously reported hypervelocity impact experiments also supported this assignment.



通过拉曼光谱和衰减全反射(ATR)-傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱技术确定了Bursa L6球粒陨石中的橄榄石-林伍德石和斜长石-斜纹锰矿转变机制。利用拉曼和红外相关数据估计镁橄榄石的成分为75%。发现布尔萨陨石可能的高冲击冲击压力至少为64.9 GPa。此外,基于橄榄石双峰(820和852 cm -1)和半宽全宽数据(分别为〜20和〜60 cm -1)的蒙皮石(509和580 cm -1))在拉曼光谱中观察到,我们首次将此陨石的冲击阶段至少定为S5。此外,先前报道的超高速冲击实验也支持该任务。
