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Even covid-19 can't kill the anti-vaccination movement.
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m2184
Katrina Megget 1

Will covid-19 finally vanquish the anti-vaccination movement or will it fuel the fringe community? Katrina Megget investigates During a pandemic, you might expect everyone to say they want a vaccine—but that’s not what a study of 1000 people in New York over 24-26 April found. “Only 59% of respondents said they would get a vaccine and only 53% would give it to their children,” says Scott Ratzan, distinguished lecturer at the New York based CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy.1 Since the project began in March, Ratzen’s group has asked the question three times, and each time the proportion is low. “It’s concerning. I would have thought numbers would go up. I didn’t expect to see it so negative.” In their first poll on 27-29 March, 62% said they would have a coronavirus vaccine, with 19% saying they would decline it and 19% unsure. The latest poll, conducted at the start of May, found that 31% would have a vaccine immediately with 48% saying they would if their doctor recommended it; 12% would reject a vaccine outright. Ratzan also asked if they would volunteer for a coronavirus vaccine clinical trial. Just 31% expressed an interest. He attributes much of the negativity in his surveys around a coronavirus vaccine to a small but incredibly vocal movement. “The anti-vaccination movement is going to make covid-19 more difficult to get under control,” he told The BMJ . In 2019, the World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy as one of the …



covid-19会最终击败反疫苗运动,还是会加剧边缘社区?卡特里娜·梅格特(Katrina Megget)进行调查在大流行期间,您可能希望每个人都说他们想要疫苗—但这并不是4月24日至26日在纽约对1000人进行的一项研究发现的。纽约市立大学纽约市立大学公共卫生与卫生政策研究生院特聘讲师斯科特·拉赞(Scott Ratzan)说:“只有59%的受访者表示他们将获得疫苗,只有53%的人会给孩子接种疫苗。”自该项目开始以来3月份,Ratzen的小组已经提出了3次问题,每次的比例都很低。“这令人担忧。我本以为数字会上升。我没想到会看到它如此消极。” 在3月27日至29日的首次民意测验中,有62%的人表示会接种冠状病毒疫苗,有19%的人表示会拒绝,还有19%的人不确定。在5月初进行的最新民意测验发现,有31%的人会立即接种疫苗,有48%的人说如果医生建议,他们会接种疫苗。12%的人会直接拒绝疫苗。Ratzan还询问他们是否愿意参加冠状病毒疫苗的临床试验。只有31%表示有兴趣。他将关于冠状病毒疫苗的调查中大部分消极因素归因于微小但难以置信的声音运动。他告诉The BMJ:“反疫苗运动将使covid-19更加难以控制。” 2019年,世界卫生组织将疫苗的犹豫性列为... 12%的人会直接拒绝疫苗。Ratzan还询问他们是否愿意参加冠状病毒疫苗的临床试验。只有31%表示有兴趣。他将关于冠状病毒疫苗的调查中大部分消极因素归因于微小但难以置信的声音运动。他告诉The BMJ:“反疫苗接种运动将使covid-19更加难以控制。” 2019年,世界卫生组织将疫苗的犹豫性列为... 12%的人会直接拒绝疫苗。Ratzan还询问他们是否愿意参加冠状病毒疫苗的临床试验。只有31%表示有兴趣。他将关于冠状病毒疫苗的调查中大部分消极因素归因于微小但难以置信的声音运动。他告诉The BMJ:“反疫苗接种运动将使covid-19更加难以控制。” 2019年,世界卫生组织将疫苗的犹豫性列为...