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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Persistence and Disinfection of Human Coronaviruses and Their Viral Surrogates in Water and Wastewater
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00313
Andrea I Silverman 1, 2 , Alexandria B Boehm 3

A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to identify decay rate constants (k) of human coronaviruses and their viral surrogates (i.e., animal coronaviruses and the enveloped bacteriophage Phi6) in water and wastewater and disinfection rates with exposure to free chlorine and germicidal ultraviolet light (UV254). Here, 73 k were identified, with only 12 for human coronaviruses, as opposed to animal coronaviruses or Phi6. In the absence of disinfectants, k increased with temperature. Between 22 and 25 °C, mean k for coronaviruses ranged from 0.19 ± 0.06 d–1 in laboratory buffer (n = 4) to 2.9 ± 0.03 d–1 in sterilized wastewater (n = 3), which are within the ranges observed for Phi6 and nonenveloped viruses. No free chlorine or UV254 disinfection studies for coronaviruses were identified that met the systematic review inclusion criteria, although evidence from the literature suggests that coronaviruses would be inactivated if disinfectant doses recommended for nonenveloped viruses were applied. Three disinfection experiments were identified for Phi6. However, given different genome compositions and virion structures between coronaviruses and Phi6, it is not clear whether Phi6 should be used as a surrogate for evaluating free chlorine or UV254k. Therefore, there is a critical need for additional studies that specifically evaluate disinfection kinetics of coronaviruses in the aqueous environment.



进行了系统回顾和荟萃分析,以确定人类冠状病毒及其病毒替代物(即动物冠状病毒和包膜噬菌体 Phi6)在水和废水中的衰变速率常数 (k),以及接触游离氯和杀菌紫外线的消毒光(UV 254)。在此,共鉴定出 73 k 个冠状病毒,其中只有 12 个为人类冠状病毒,而不是动物冠状病毒或 Phi6。在没有消毒剂的情况下,k随温度升高而增加。在 22 至 25 °C 之间,冠状病毒的平均k范围为实验室缓冲液 ( n = 4)中的 0.19 ± 0.06 d –1至灭菌废水 ( n = 3) 中的 2.9 ± 0.03 d –1,均在观察到的范围内Phi6 和无包膜病毒。尽管文献证据表明,如果使用推荐用于无包膜病毒的消毒剂剂量,冠状病毒将被灭活,但尚未发现符合系统评价纳入标准的冠状病毒游离氯或 UV 254 消毒研究针对 Phi6 确定了三个消毒实验。然而,鉴于冠状病毒和 Phi6 之间的基因组组成和病毒体结构不同,尚不清楚 Phi6 是否应该用作评估游离氯或 UV 254 k的替代品。因此,迫切需要进行额外的研究来专门评估冠状病毒在水环境中的消毒动力学。