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Epidemiology, pathophysiology and contemporary management of cardiogenic shock - a position statement from the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology.
European Journal of Heart Failure ( IF 16.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1002/ejhf.1922
Ovidiu Chioncel 1, 2 , John Parissis 3, 4 , Alexandre Mebazaa 5 , Holger Thiele 6, 7 , Steffen Desch 6, 7 , Johann Bauersachs 8 , Veli-Pekka Harjola 9 , Elena-Laura Antohi 1, 2 , Mattia Arrigo 10 , Tuvia Ben Gal 11, 12 , Jelena Celutkiene 13 , Sean P Collins 14 , Daniel DeBacker 15 , Vlad A Iliescu 1, 2 , Ewa Jankowska 16 , Tiny Jaarsma 17, 18 , Kalliopi Keramida 4, 19 , Mitja Lainscak 20, 21 , Lars H Lund 22, 23 , Alexander R Lyon 24, 25 , Josep Masip 26, 27 , Marco Metra 28 , Oscar Miro 29, 30 , Andrea Mortara 31 , Christian Mueller 32 , Wilfried Mullens 33, 34 , Maria Nikolaou 3 , Massimo Piepoli 35 , Susana Price 36 , Giuseppe Rosano 37, 38 , Antoine Vieillard-Baron 39, 40 , Jean M Weinstein 41 , Stefan D Anker 42, 43 , Gerasimos Filippatos 44, 45 , Frank Ruschitzka 10 , Andrew J S Coats 46 , Petar Seferovic 47, 48

Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a complex multifactorial clinical syndrome with extremely high mortality, developing as a continuum, and progressing from the initial insult (underlying cause) to the subsequent occurrence of organ failure and death. There is a large spectrum of CS presentations resulting from the interaction between an acute cardiac insult and a patient's underlying cardiac and overall medical condition. Phenotyping patients with CS may have clinical impact on management because classification would support initiation of appropriate therapies. CS management should consider appropriate organization of the health care services, and therapies must be given to the appropriately selected patients, in a timely manner, whilst avoiding iatrogenic harm. Although several consensus‐driven algorithms have been proposed, CS management remains challenging and substantial investments in research and development have not yielded proof of efficacy and safety for most of the therapies tested, and outcome in this condition remains poor. Future studies should consider the identification of the new pathophysiological targets, and high‐quality translational research should facilitate incorporation of more targeted interventions in clinical research protocols, aimed to improve individual patient outcomes. Designing outcome clinical trials in CS remains particularly challenging in this critical and very costly scenario in cardiology, but information from these trials is imperiously needed to better inform the guidelines and clinical practice. The goal of this review is to summarize the current knowledge concerning the definition, epidemiology, underlying causes, pathophysiology and management of CS based on important lessons from clinical trials and registries, with a focus on improving in‐hospital management.



心源性休克 (CS) 是一种复杂的多因素临床综合征,死亡率极高,呈连续性发展,从最初的损伤(潜在原因)发展到随后发生的器官衰竭和死亡。急性心脏损伤与患者潜在的心脏和整体医疗状况之间的相互作用导致了大量的 CS 表现。对 CS 患者进行表型分型可能会对管理产生临床影响,因为分类将支持开始适当的治疗。CS management should consider appropriate organization of the health care services, and therapies must be given to the appropriately selected patients, in a timely manner, whilst avoiding iatrogenic harm. 尽管已经提出了几种共识驱动的算法,CS 管理仍然具有挑战性,对研发的大量投资并没有为大多数测试的疗法提供有效性和安全性的证据,并且这种情况下的结果仍然很差。未来的研究应考虑确定新的病理生理学靶点,高质量的转化研究应有助于将更有针对性的干预措施纳入临床研究方案,以改善个体患者的预后。在心脏病学这一关键且成本非常高的情况下,设计 CS 临床试验结果仍然特别具有挑战性,但迫切需要来自这些试验的信息,以便更好地为指南和临床实践提供信息。本综述的目的是总结当前有关定义、流行病学、根本原因、