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Impacts of MnO2 Crystal Structures and Fe Doping in Those on Photoelectrochemical Charge–Discharge Properties of TiO2/MnO2 Composite Electrodes
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c02964
Hiroyuki Usui 1, 2 , Shin Suzuki 2, 3 , Yasuhiro Domi 1, 2 , Hiroki Sakaguchi 1, 2

We investigated the impacts of MnO2 crystal structures and Fe doping into the MnO2 crystal structures on photoelectrochemical charge–discharge properties of composite electrodes composed of TiO2 and MnO2 polymorphs (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-phases) in aqueous Na2SO4 solution. In a conventional electrochemical capacitor, the α-MnO2 electrode delivered the highest specific capacitance among the undoped MnO2 polymorphs because of its larger tunnel structure compared with β- and γ-MnO2. Since the electronic conductivity of the δ-MnO2 electrode was very low, its performance was poor despite its large interlayer spacing. Fe doping into δ-MnO2 improved its conductivity, leading to a remarkable enhancement in capacitance. The photoelectrochemical capacitor properties of the TiO2/α-MnO2 and TiO2/δ-MnO2 composite electrodes were improved by Fe doping into MnO2. In particular, the TiO2/Fe-doped δ-MnO2 electrode presented a significant improvement. This was because the photoinduced electrons could move easily in the MnO2 layer due to its improved conductivity, thereby promoting the Na+ storage reaction.


MnO 2晶体结构和其中的Fe掺杂对TiO 2 / MnO 2复合电极的光电化学充放电性能的影响

我们研究了MnO 2晶体结构和Fe掺入MnO 2晶体结构对TiO 2和MnO 2多晶型物(α-,β-,γ-和δ-相)组成的复合电极的光电化学充放电性能的影响。在Na 2 SO 4水溶液中。在传统的电化学电容器中,α-MnO的2电极输送的未掺杂的MnO中的最高的比电容2与β-和γ-MnO的比较,因为其较大的隧道结构的多晶型物2。由于的电子传导性δ型的MnO 2电极非常低,尽管其层间间距很大,但性能仍然很差。的Fe掺杂到δ-的MnO 2提高其导电性,从而导致电容量的显着提高。在TiO的光电化学性质电容器2 /α-MnO的2和TiO 2 /δ-的MnO 2复合电极的Fe掺杂改进成的MnO 2。特别是,在TiO 2 / Fe掺杂δ-的MnO 2电极呈现一个显著改善。这是因为光导电子由于其提高的电导率而易于在MnO 2层中移动,从而促进了Na +储存反应。